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词汇 shoots down
释义 shoots down
shoots down发音



shoot down───击落;驳倒,否决

shouts down───大声喊叫以压倒对方

sheets down───床单放下

shifts down───减档;降档

shook down───勒索;适应新环境;摇落


shot down───击落,打垮

shout down───大声喊叫以压倒对方

shuts down───停工,关闭


The aircraft shoots down the runway, rotates, and is airborne in about 1,000 feet.───飞机在跑道上急速掠过,大约在1,000英尺的位置上就升空了。

Prison guards could soon stop fights with a harmless tool that shoots a laser-like beam, video game-style, down into a room where trouble is brewing.───狱卒们很快将能够使用一种无伤害的工具,对着酝酿着麻烦的房间发射一道像电子游戏中那样的镭射般的光束,来停止斗殴。

A Wolf comes and shoots down one of them.───一只狼来了并射下它们中的一只。

Jane shoots down his request for her to marry him to accompany him on missionary work in India.───圣约翰发愿前往印度传教﹐希望简爱和他结婚﹐为的是添一帮手﹐有助于传教工作。

A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below.───一个带有锋利边缘的窄桶(就像一个非常大的苹果挖核器)像子弹一样射下,穿过下方尚未钻孔的土层。

It's Israeli Defense System that shoots down rockets coming in from Gaza, so far it's intercepted about 30% of those rockets.───这是以色列的国防系统,它负责击落从加沙进入的火箭,目前为止它已经拦截了大约30%的火箭。

The second your eyes flutter open, light shoots down the optic nerve and into the brain's biological clock.───第二你的眼睛扑开放,至视神经,光发射和进入大脑的生物钟。

And Stan Collender shoots down Martin Feldstein's hawkish stimulus proposal.───还有斯坦·科伦德抨击了马丁·菲尔德坦的鹰派经济刺激计划。

Shoots down own weather satellite to test its ballistic missile capability.───2007年:击落自己的气象卫星以测试弹道导弹能力。


A narrow barrel with a razor-sharp edge (think of a very big apple corer) shoots down and pierces the undrilled layer of earth below.

The second your eyes flutter open, light shoots down the optic nerve andthe brain's biological clock.





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