

词汇 shipping company
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轮船公司; 航运公司


shipping companies───航运公司;船运公司(shippingcompany的名词复数)

holding company───[经]控股公司;股权公司

mining company───矿业公司

ship's company───全体船员;全体官兵

shopping complex───购物中心

shipping container───船运集装箱

logging company───测井公司

shipping lane───大洋航线

shipping ton───装载吨,船舶载重吨(每40立方尺为一吨)


That paper led him to develop an overnight shipping company.───这篇论文也最终引导他创办了一家通宵航运公司。

The shipping company will be in charge of wrong delivery.───货物发错的责任应由轮船公司负责.

should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers.───应向货运公司提出索赔,而不应该是向卖方索赔。

A: It looks like the shipping company did this.───应该是货运公司造成的吧.

It is not uncommon to hear that a shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.───航运公司为打捞沉船的费用而提出要求,这并非奇闻.

It is, firstly, a contract between the shipper and the shipping company.───它首先是发货人与船运公司之间的一种合约.

The shipping company will be liable for damage.───运输公司将对损坏负责.

So I suggest you approach the shipping company or the insurance company for compensation.───因此,我建议你到船舱公司或保险公司去,要求他们给予补偿.

Mr. Brown has held 500 shares in the shipping company.───布朗先生持有该家航运公司的500份股份。

You should claim compensation from the shipping company instead of the sellers.───贵方应向货运公司提出索赔,而不应该是向卖方索赔.

We are advised to take the shipping company to court.───有人建议我们投诉运输公司.

A shipping company has made a claim for the cost of salvaging a sunken ship.───某轮船公司要求赔赏打捞沉船的费用. (makeaclaim要求)

It appears that the responsibility should rest with the shipping company.───好像责任在于轮船公司.

Immediately upon receipt of your instructions, we contacted the shipping company here.───一接到你方的装运要求, 我们就和本地的船运公司联系.

I am working as a consultant for an overseas shipping company.───我的工作是在一家海外船务公司做顾问.

One shipping - company manager says commercial space in Yabao Road has fallen sharply.───一家轮船公司的经理说,进出雅宝路的货物量出现了大量下滑.

Souring shipping company, negotiating price and following up case.───寻找船务公司协商价格跟进事务.

  • shipping wars
  • shipping agent
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