[法] 宣战
declaration of wars───宣战
declaration of love───爱情宣言;爱的箴言(歌名,DeclarationofLove)
declaration of loves───爱的宣言
declaration of bankruptcy───[法]宣告破产
separation of powers───分权;三权分立
declaration of bankruptcies───[法]宣告破产
Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.───要有礼; 要按外交辞令写; 即使在宣战文告里,依然是要遵循礼节的.
Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rule of politeness.───待人要有礼貌; 写信要有外交技巧; 即使是宣战,还得遵守礼貌的条例.
When the effort to imprison her father failed, the girl started a blog and called it a Declaration of War on Unfaithful Husbands.───当女孩把父亲送进监狱的努力失败后,她在网上开了一个名为“向不忠丈夫开战”的博客。
COSATU denounced this as " a declaration of war "───南非总工会指责祖马这是在 “ 宣战 ”
President or his team to cleanse a particular police department is seen as a declaration of war against a powerful vassal.───总统以及他的团队发动对某个警察部门的清洗,就会被认为是向当地的权势人物宣战。
So he did a declaration of war in opposition to the emperor.───于是他发表宣言同皇帝作战.
This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.───这次侵略就相当于宣战.
Immediately upon the Italian declaration of war, he put to sea in search of the enemy.───意大利一宣战, 他马上就启碇出海去追寻敌人.
North Korea has said it would consider interception of its ships a declaration of war.───朝鲜已经表示他们将把拦截朝鲜船只看作对朝宣战.
Be polite; write diplomatically; even in a declaration of war one observes the rules of politeness.
In September Nicholas responded with a formal declaration of war.
Chamberlain's dramatic radio broadcast announcing the Declaration of War in 1939.
This invasion is tantamount to a declaration of war.
A grim-faced diplomat read out the declaration of war.
A hushed congress heard the official declaration of war.
On the 19th of July a declaration of war was delivered in Berlin.
On July 19th a formal declaration of war was made.
Congress issued a declaration of war.
- declarations in an insurance policy
- declaration of war
- declaration of independence