declaration of loves───爱情宣言;爱的箴言(歌名,DeclarationofLove)
declaration of war───宣战
declaration of wars───宣战
separation of powers───分权;三权分立
Declaration of Indulgence───大赦谕诰;信教自由令
declaration of bankruptcy───[法]宣告破产
expectation of lives───平均寿命;预期寿命(等于lifeexpectancy)
declaration of bankruptcies───[法]宣告破产
deprivation of liberty───剥夺自由权
Embarrassed she was not, and she remembered Gabriel's declaration of love to her at Norcombe only to think she had nearly forgotten it.───她并不感到窘迫,想到加布里埃尔在诺库姆的爱情表白时,她只是觉得她几乎已经把那件事忘到九霄云外去了。
I decided to change tactics. Obviously the best approach was a simple, strong, direct declaration of love. Polly, I love you.───我决定改变策略。显然,最好的办法就是简单,有力,直截了当地宣泄爱情。波莉,我爱你!
It is not so much a formal portrait as a remarkable public declaration of love to herald a new Royal age.───尽管,这公开的爱的宣言并不预示着一个新的皇家时代的来临。
The ambiguity of mere mutual knowledge preserves your friendship, but a declaration of love would create common knowledge and doom it.───纯粹互动认识的这种含糊,保住了你们之间的友谊;但明确爱慕之情将建立共同认识,并毁坏你们的友谊。
The figure refers not to the declaration of love, to the avowal, but to the repeated utterance of the love cry.───这个短语在这里指的不是求爱的宣言或告白,而是指它在做爱当中被重复地哭喊出来。
Every movie we see, every story we're told, implores us to wait for it, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rules.───我们看的电影,听的故事,都是等待这一刻的到来,不期而遇的爱的宣言,惯例中的特例。
A declaration of love, or the cold shoulder.
To the local people, like means love. What a sheer declaration of love! She became the focus of the soldiers present, she stare down them, tears in her eyes.
I understood the momentousness of the sentiment - I want you to audition for that role, he was telling me; it was, more than anything, a declaration of love - yet it made me nervous.
- declarations in an insurance policy
- declaration of war
- declaration of independence