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词汇 She tells
释义 She tells
She tells发音



the bells───钟

shear cells───剪切单元

stem cells───干细胞(stemcell的复数)



sex cells───生殖细胞(卵细胞和精子)



She tells me her troubles. I tell her mine.───她告诉了我她的烦恼,我也把我的告诉了她。

She tells a story.───她讲述一个故事。

If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong.───你要是按照她说的做,就不会出大差错。

After that they remain silent, and after several more minutes she tells him that she will go home now. Her cousin might be looking for her.───之后,他们一直沉默不语,又过了几分钟,她说她要回家了,她表姐一定在找她呢。

When the door closes she tells me that she's homeless and last night she slept on a veranda.───关上门时她告诉我,她无家可归,昨晚还睡在走廊上。

She tells how she felt each week when she saw Mrs. Rosenthal in the window motioning for her to come and turn on the lights.───她讲述了当她每周看见罗森索太太在窗边用手势请求她过来并打开灯时的感触。

I just love the way she tells him what she thinks of him in this movie.───我超爱电影里那女的说出对那男的看法的方式。

Eat a little of this and some of that, she tells us, but never this and only a smidgen of that.───她告诉我们,少吃这个,吃点那个,永远不能吃这个,那个只能吃一点点。

"Monster High is all about celebrating your imperfections and accepting the imperfections of others, " she tells NBC News.───“怪物高中表达的就是尊重自己的不完美,和接纳他人的不完美。”她对NBC新闻说。


Don't believe everything she tells you; she tends to dramatize.

He's such a mug, he believes everything she tells him.

You should take careful note of what she tells you because she knows their strategy well.

If you do what she tells you, you won't go far wrong.

She always exaggerates when she tells something she's done.

She tells one whopper after another.

I'm sure she tells Ruth everything we say - they're as thick as thieves, those two.

My neighbour's very chatty — she tells me all the news.

Do whatever she tells you and you'll have peace.

  • Shen Nung
  • She is in the
  • She s Mary
  • She is my girl
  • She has
  • She tells
  • She can sip
  • She is sunny




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