heaves down───垂下
heaves to───升到
houses of God───教堂
leaves off───离开
ravages of war───焦土
seed corn───谷种;播种用的玉蜀黍;可供将来发展的宝贵资源
Sheaves of wheat or corn are often used as decorations.───通常用一捆捆的小麦或玉米作节日装饰。
Like sheaves of corn he gathers you unto himself.───如同捆扎玉米,它将你聚集在自身之上。
contrary, so long as they remaIn In conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.───相反,只要它们继续冲突,它们就等于互相支撑,就像三捆堆在一起的秫秸一样。
On the contrary, so long as they remaIn In conflict they prop one another up, like three sheaves of corn.───相反,只要它们继续冲突,它们就等于互相支撑,就像三捆堆在一起的秫秸一样。
August brings the sheaves of corn , then the harvest home is borne .───八月带来成捆的谷物,家家户户殷实富足。
August brings the sheaves of corn , then the harvest home is borne .
August brings the sheaves of corn harvest home is borne.
- sheaves of corn