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词汇 senate majority leader
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majority leader───多数党领袖

majority leaders───多数党领袖

great majority of───绝大多数

community leader───社区领导者;社区领袖;社团建设者;社会活动家

in the majority───占多数

majority stake───多数股权;大股东

maternity leave───[劳经]产假


Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, refused to defend him.───参议院多数党领导人哈里·瑞德拒绝为他辩护。

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority leader Harry Reid are urging the remaining uncommitted superdelegates to publicly support one of the candidates once the primary season ends.───众议院议长佩洛西和参议院多数党领袖瑞德敦促还没有表态的超级代表在初选结束后,公开说明自己究竟支持哪位候选人。

attention is focused on the Senate race in Nevada, where veteran Democratic Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is locked in a close race with Republican challenger Sharron Angle.───瞩目的竞争在内华达州展开。 现任民主党参议院领袖里德跟共和党候选人安格尔两人的选战目前难分上下。

Harry Reid, the Senate majority leader, spoke for many earlier this year when he said the war was lost.───参议员多数党领袖哈里•里德,在年初代表大多数人讲话,宣布伊拉克战争失败。

The Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said the proposal was, in his words, "the only game in town" , and there will be a vote by midnight.───参议院多数党领袖里德称,用他的话说,唯一的办法就是在午夜之前针对该计划进行表决。

President Bush said he hoped Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, has the same desire to move the bill forward as he does.───布什总统表示他希望参议院多数党领导人、内华达州民主党人哈里·里德与自己一样有意推动立法进展。

If it does pass, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D. , Nev. ) prepared to put it to a vote in the Senate, hoping to defeat it.───如果博纳的方案在众议院获得通过,参议院多数党领袖里德(HarryReid,内华达州民主党人)准备在参议院就博纳的方案进行投票,希望能挫败这份方案。

A spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he is open to debating the bill after Congress returns from its recess next week.───参议院多数党领袖雷德(HarryReid)的发言人表示,下周国会休会期结束后,雷德不排除就议案展开辩论。

Today, Senate majority leader Harry Reid kicked off the Senate debate on her nomination by calling for civility.───今天,参议院多数党领袖亨利。里德宣布参议院就她的提名开始辩论,并对辩论要求以文明的方式进行。


The same election results that stunned the Senate majority leader may also have shaken him awake.

His rise to Senate majority leader was in no small measure a reward for his debating success against Democratic opponents.

The Senate majority leader talked about a balanced budget, smaller government, lower taxes, and a strong foreign policy.

The Senate majority leader already holds more than one-third of the delegates needed to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole supports it, though he has ranked it below other foreign-policy priorities.

Chicago-Seattle, running through the hometowns of the Senate majority leader and of the chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee.

Polanco's office said the Senate majority leader will instead fulfill his term, which expires in 2002.

Kansas' Dole is Senate majority leader, but he was not consulted because he is a candidate.

Dole, the Senate majority leader, on the front page.

  • senate races 2020
  • senate majority leader
  • senate election results 2020




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