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词汇 root around
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roots around───翻找;乱翻

rooted around───翻找;乱翻

fool around───闲荡;游手好闲;干无用的事

goof around───消磨时间;随便玩玩

got around───到处走动;传开

look around───游览;到处察看;到处寻找

rooting around───翻找;乱翻

to root around───扎根

float around───飘落;广为流传


God designed pigs to root around in the soil for food and play with one another.───上帝设计猪立足于土地觅食并彼此嬉戏度日。

items you no longer want that can be spruced up and re-sold.───你不需要的物品重新打理再卖出去。

The prawns are ugly, violent, and root around in the trash. They love to eat cat food.───这些外星人无甚好感,“大虾”们面目可憎、粗暴无礼又常在垃圾堆里摸爬,且嗜食猫粮。

In 2007, when the Taliban took root around the town of Babaji, they were evicted by British forces helped by the militias.───2007年,当塔利班在巴巴吉镇周边扎下根来时,英军在民兵的协助下就将他们驱逐出去了。

That first day I just had to root around the pile with my hands, feeling for anything.───在第一天我会用我的双手在根基旁边打下牢固的桩子,去感受些什么。

Even before these latest symptoms of Western decline, the perception of China's relative rise had taken root around the world.───即使在最近表现出来的西方衰落迹象还未发生之前,中国相对崛起的观点已经传遍全球。

Root around your home for items you no longer want that can be spruced up and re-sold.───来个彻底大扫除,把你不需要的物品重新打理再卖出去。

I had to root around a little to find the PDF presentation (in Japanese) featuring this view.───而我之前不得不费了点事,在一份日文的PDF演示稿中找到这个图片。。


The object of his thrusts looks serenely bored, continuing to root around in the mud for food handouts.

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