The body was sealed in a lead coffin.───尸体安放在密闭的铅棺中。
It was fascinating to sit there with a man whose feelings were all sealed in.───和一个把他的感情通通密封起来的人坐在一块,这令人着迷。
In the same area, keep cheese tightly sealed in foil or plastic wrap.───在同一区域,把奶酪密封在金属箔或塑料包装中。
Sealed in a humid box, she returned to dust. But I never regarded the thought that "her souls was still alive" as a bizarre one.───密封在潮湿的盒子里,她已经归于尘土,但我从没有认为“她的灵魂依旧存在”是个奇怪的想法。
It felt that he was saying good-bye to me. With his lonely figure sealed in my mind, my heart was almost broken.───他好象在跟我告别,那孤寂的身影烙在我心上,让我心疼。
The scroll was sealed in seven places as it had been rolled up. The scroll seems to stand for the title deed of the whole earth.───那书卷用七印封严,它似乎是代表了这个世界的「所有权证书」。
Containers must be placed and well-sealed in one transparent plastic bag with a press-seal, of a maximum capacity of one liter (quart).───这些东西必须被密封放置在一个有冲压密封圈的,最大容量为一公升(一夸脱)的透明塑料袋中。
Much of those gases are sealed in refrigerators and air conditioners, where they do not threaten the environment.───很多这种气体被密封在冰箱和空调器里面,在这里它们并不威胁环境。
- sealed bags for freshness
- sealed in
- sealed bags
- sealed container
- sealed bid