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词汇 rushing out
释义 rushing out
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pushing out───推出

crashing out───撞毁,坠毁

roughing out───草拟;概略地画出

bashing out───痛击

dishing out───给予,分发

fishing out───掏出,摸索出;捕尽鱼

hashing out───消除,经过长时间讨论解决一个问题

lashing out───猛击;猛烈抨击;大肆挥霍

rubbing out───擦掉,擦去


Use your extra time to actually wake up instead of rushing out the door.───在你的业余时间你要真正保持清醒,而不是冲出门去。

Tears are rushing out of my eyes.───泪,从我的眼眶溢出。

But no one is rushing out to rewrite the science books just yet.───而且,还没有人冲出来改写科学教科书。只是暂时还没有。

As he crossed the stream by Hou's farm and climbed the hill on the far side, a tiger came rushing out of the forest and pounced at him.───正当他跨越过侯家田地的小溪,爬上远处的小山时,一只老虎从树林里冲出来,扑向他。

And that last thing he said about rushing out is really important because experts say that when a crisis happens, every second counts.───而他说的最后一件关于冲出来的事情非常重要,因为专家们称危机发生时每一秒都关乎性命。

He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.───他留意着停靠在路边的车辆间冲出来的小孩,突然,他好像看到什么似的,把车速减了下来。

Private capital, which flooded into emerging countries in the boom years, is now rushing out just as fast.───在经济兴盛年份蜂拥着进入新兴经济国家的私人资本,现在正蜂拥着要退出来。

Unfortunately for Mr. Young, few of them appeared to be rushing out to buy American goods.───然而不幸的是,看来几乎没人冲出去购买美国商品。

With a little thought and planning now, you can avoid rushing out to buy the usual flowers and candy that you give year after year.───现在就好好想想,计划一下,就不必到时匆忙地买一束花或一盒糖果,这些再平常不过的年年重复没有新意的礼物。


People in Maldon have been rushing out to nearby stores and clearing the shelves of meat and poultry.

But he keeps rushing out to see the midget auto races.

When I wasn't rushing out to meet J. somewhere, I was usually chatting with Sheila.

The force of the air rushing out made the balloon move.

Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs.

We are rushing out this newsletter in time for the first summer festival, at Kings Heath Park.

A middle-aged lady was seen rushing out of the burning house with her clothes in disarray.

Before rushing out to buy, consider browsing through galleries and museums to see what fits the objects to be displayed.

It is obvious to see from the photos that nuff of them were rushing out of their heads!

  • rushing into
  • rushing out
  • rushing through me




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