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词汇 rough it
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rough cut───粗纹;粗切削

rough out───草拟;概略地画出

rough on───粗暴的

rough up───v.粗暴对待;殴打;对…动粗



brought in───带来;引进;油井投产


I prefer to rough it when I go camping.───我比较喜欢原始的野营方式.

We went camping and had to rough it for a week.───我们去户外露营,过了一周近乎原始的艰苦生活.

Although the wooden handcart is rough, it is very practical.───板儿车虽然简陋, 但也很实用呢.

All money is almost used up, we must rough it before next income.───钱快花光了,到下个月收入前, 我们必须省着点儿过日子了.

If you go camping you'll have to rough it.───如果你去野营,你就要过简陋的生活.

Justin: It's a diamond in the rough . It just hasn't been discovered yet.───贾斯汀: 那是块未经开发的桃花源. 只是还没被发掘而已.

I'm afraid you'll have to rough it tonight.───恐怕你今晚要将就一下了.

I can rough it well enough ; but you, my dear, how will you bear it?───我自己苦一点不要紧, 可是亲爱的, 你怎么受得了?

If you go camping you'll to rough it.───如果你去参加野营,你就得过艰苦简陋的生活.

I'd like to see the world and rough it.───我很想看看世界,而且磨炼一下.

Only 24% would rough it with other backpackers and go to hostels, rather than a hotel.───只有24%的人会像其他背包客一样凑合,选择入住旅馆而不是酒店。

No matter the material's surface is either smooth or rough It can sew steadily.───此机种为综合送料,运转静肃,不拘材料表面之平滑或粗糙不平整,在缝制时皆很稳定.

You may have to rough it a bit if you come to stay.───你要来住可能得吃点苦.

Even if you rough it in mind that there will be dozens of items about.───这样你即使粗粗的记,大约也会有几十件.

I prefer rough it when I go camping.───我比较喜欢原始的露营体式格局.

There is a campsite but, if you prefer not to rough it, the Lake Hotel is nearby.───有一个营地,不过如果你不想将就,湖滨酒店就在附近。

The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle.───那些探险者进入丛林后,不得不过着艰苦的生活.


The explorers had to rough it when they got into the jungle.

  • rough sketch
  • rough it
  • rough time
  • roughening heston
  • roughly crossword
  • roughshod over
  • roughen edges
  • roughen synonym
  • roughening temperature
  • rough calculation
  • rough edges
  • rough day
  • roughening concrete surfaces
  • rough country
  • roughen meaning




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