

词汇 rocket launcher
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n.火箭筒; 火箭发射装置; 火箭发射器; 火箭发射车


rocket launchers───[航]火箭发射装置,火箭发射器;火箭筒,火箭发射车

rocket plane───喷气式飞机;火箭飞机

rocket planes───喷气式飞机;火箭飞机

rocket range───火箭射程

rocket ranges───火箭射程

socket wrenches───[机]套筒扳手

soft launches───试营运


Wooooow! You can't play with me then. You should've just said shotgun. Or rocket launcher.───哇! 你这样根本和我?得玩. 你刚才应该说是散弹枪. 或者是火箭炮.

faster. Ignore everything that doesn't block your way and use the rocket launcher.───快一点。别去在意那些并不在路上阻碍你的东西,使用火箭发射器。

The results provide calculational basis to the aiming mechanism design of ship - borne rocket launcher system.───计算结果为舰载火箭炮瞄准机的设计提供了依据.

His favourite gadget is a Russian - made rocket launcher which holds 40 three metre - long missilles.───他最喜欢的还是那个俄制的火箭发射器,它可载40枚三米的火箭.

Soldiers using a multiple rocket launcher scored a direct hit on the steeple of a church.───士兵们使用多管火箭筒直接击中一所教堂的尖塔。

This firework is shaped like a rocket launcher!───这个烟花是火箭筒形状的!

Nato says the attack destroyed a government rocket launcher near the rebel-held city of Misrata.───北约表示,这次袭击摧毁了叛军控制的城市米苏拉塔附近政府的一个火箭发射器。

It looks like the single - use rocket launcher is part of the original armor, though.───不过看上去 一次性 用的火箭喷射器是原盔甲的一部分.

  • rocket fuel
  • rockets have found application
  • rocket launcher
  • rockets wire
  • rocket royale
  • rocket science




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