

词汇 rising price
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rising price of───价格上涨

striking price───n.定约价;协定价格,履约价格

ceiling price───最高限价

closing price───[金融]收盘价格

asking price───要价;索价

rising tide───[海洋]涨潮

striking prices───n.定约价;协定价格,履约价格

ceiling prices───最高限价

closing prices───[金融]收盘价格


Some here cling to eating quinoa despite its rising price.───不论藜麦价格如何上涨,有些玻利维亚人仍旧坚持食用藜麦。

Another contributor to helium's rising price is a soaring global demand.───另外一个让氦价格一路走高的原因是:全球需求量不断上升。

Russia's boom has a more fragile base: the rising price of oil and gas.───俄罗斯的繁荣则建立在一个相对脆弱的基础上:石油与天然气价格的上涨。

A rising price of gold, like that of anything else, can reflect an increase in demand as well as a depreciation of its unit of account.───像其他任何东西一样,金价的上涨反映了需求的增加以及计价单位的贬值。

"My husband and I both took pay cuts recently, and now the rising price of gas is taking even more out of our pockets, " she said.───“我和老公最近双双减薪,而现在飚升的油价却让我们付出更多”,她说。

'We seem to be right now selling into a rising-price market, ' said Dan Zajdel, vice president of investor relations for Consol.───Consol煤炭公司负责投资者关系的副总裁贾德尔(DanZajdel)说,煤炭市场的价格目前似乎正在不断上涨。

The rising price seems to be fuelling the gold mania in what is, for now, a self-sustaining cycle.───不断上涨的金价似乎正在助长这波黄金热,目前这已经变成了一个自我维系的循环。

Enrollment in petroleum engineering programs at universities is swelling, and for a host of reasons, most notably the rising price of oil.───由于诸多原因的影响,尤其是石油价格的上涨,高校石油工程专业的招生人数也在持续增加。

The rising price will pinch consumers and industries that had found lower oil prices one of the few bright spots in the economic downturn.───消费者和工业此前将油价下跌视为当前经济下滑时期为数不多的一个亮点,油价不断上升将给他们带来打击。


Recently, the continuingly rising price will make more room for the increase in wage level.

The company has been facing the tough challenge because of the rising price of the chemical materials, the transportation and the energy which result from the globally rising price of raw oil.

WASHINGTON, July 23 (Reuters) - The rising price of fuel will slash school busing, nearly empty the skies of airplanes, and turn many resorts into ghost towns.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The rising price of fuel will slash school busing, nearly empty the skies of airplanes, and turn many resorts into ghost towns.

Gross profit margin is expected to keep at 8.5% level on the trend of rising price.

And the rising price of energy sources and the fierce competition in the market make ceramics an industry with a narrow margin of profit and an industry which bring negative profit.

Due to the rising price and shortage of sand, it is necessary to search for a substitute of, zircon sand. The article mainly introduces the trials on coal gangue sand to replace zircon facing sand.

I asked her first about what the rising price of commodities will mean to PepsiCo's bottom line.

  • rising stars
  • rising to a challenge
  • rising price
  • rising demand
  • rising love




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