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词汇 republic of china
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中华民国(1912-1949); 民国


Republic of China───中华民国(1912–1949)

Republic of Korea───大韩民国;南韩

Republic of Vietnam───越南共和国

Republic of Palau───帛琉共和國

Republic of Yemen───也门共和国

public offering───公开发售;[金融]公开销售证券

Republic of Ireland───爱尔兰

Republic of Vanuatu───瓦努阿图共和国

republic of letters───文坛,文学界


Renminbi or RMB or $ means the lawful currency of the People's Republic of China.───人民币或rmb或$指中华人民共和国的法定货币.

I want to place a long distance collect call to the Republic of China.───我要打个对方付款长途电话到中国民国.

Chinese steamship industry rised during the period of Late Qing and Early Republic of China.───清末民初是我国轮船航运业的兴起时期.

A shameful campaign of demonization of the People's Republic of China ( PRC ) is underway.───一场卑鄙的妖魔化中国运动现正甚嚣尘上.

Yeah, it is a film about the 60 th anniversary the People's Republic of China.───是啊, 这是一部关于建国60周年的影片.

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Coal Industry.───作者:佚名来源:网络.

This report is a case study of china famine relief commission in the Republic of China.───本报告是对民国华洋义赈会的个案研究.

Is the beginning of the Republic of China Chinese women wear, gown with a traditional style.───是民国时期中国妇女开始穿着的 、 带有传统风格的长衫.

During the time of the Republic of China , the silver dollar was the major currency.───民国时期, 光洋是主要货币.

After the building of the Peoples Republic of China, he used Buddhism to endure those impersonal criticisms.───人民共和国成立后,他受到了错误的批判和斗争, 佛家思想对这位迟暮之年的老人发挥着精神柱石的伟大作用,使之忍受了那些无情的批斗.

It provides general insurance and in Hong Kong and the People's Republic of China.───公司于中国和香港两地提供不同种类的一般保险业务.

Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.───二、刑事诉讼法.

Republic of China During the famous tea in China first.───民国期间,著名的龙井茶成为中国名茶之首.

EMI Music China is the distributor in Singapore and the People's Republic of China.───百代音乐中国是分销商在新加坡和中国人民共和国.

The Republic of China made great progress in the demarcation of the territorial waters.───领海划界问题在民国时期取得了较大的进步.

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