compound interval───复音程
contour interval───等高线间距,等高线间隔
reporting pay───申报工资
time interval───[天]时间间隔
closed interval───[数]闭区间
compound intervals───复音程
contour intervals───等高线间距,等高线间隔
lunitidal interval───[海洋]月潮间隙;满潮时距
repeating decimal───[数]循环小数
For the notification class the number of notification batches generated during the reporting interval.───对于通知类,表示在报告间隔期间生成的通知批数。
On the command line, you need to specify the interval (in seconds) to use when reporting statistics.───在命令行上,您需要指定要在报告统计信息时使用的间隔(以秒为单位)。
For notification batches of the given notification class generated during the reporting interval number of notification delivery attempts.───对于在报告间隔期间生成的给定通知类的通知批次,表示尝试传递的通知数。
Number of notification batches waiting to be picked up by the distributor during the reporting interval.───在报告间隔内,等待分发服务器拾取的通知批数。
For the notification class, the number of notifications generated per second during the reporting interval.───对于通知类,表示在报告间隔期间每秒生成的通知数。
For the notification class, average wait time before the distributor picked up a notification batch during the reporting interval.───对于通知类,表示分发服务器在报告间隔期间拾取通知批次前的平均等待时间。
For the notification class, the number of notifications generated during the reporting interval.───对于通知类,表示在报告间隔期间生成的通知数。
- reporting interval