rainbow runner───彩虹赛跑者
rainbow runners───香蕉鱼
rainbow darter───彩虹镖
rainbow fishes───彩虹鱼;绿锦鱼
rainbow bird───彩虹鸟
rainbow birds───彩虹鸟
rainbow fish───彩虹鱼;绿锦鱼
rainbow lorikeet───彩虹吸蜜鹦鹉
A rainbow over the horizon transfixes an Alaskan fisherman hunting in Norton Sound, Alaska, part of the mouth of the Yukon River.───一名本地渔夫正在阿拉斯加州的诺顿桑得的育空河入海口处捕鱼,一条彩虹悬在他的正上方,仿佛从他的头里穿过一般。
Like the story of the little girl weaver, every girl had lived in the galaxy River, they weave rainbow neon cloud spinning, reservoirs and months, they had upset about?───像故事中的小织女,每一个女孩都曾住在星河之畔,她们织虹纺霓,藏云捉月,她们几曾烦心挂虑?
Friendship is a rainbow, very beautiful; Friendship is a small river that never cease; Friendship is a pine trees, the four seasons evergreen!───友谊是一道彩虹,无比美丽;友谊是一条小河,永不停息;友谊是一棵青松,四季长青!
- rainbow menu
- rainbow bird
- rainbow bridge