

词汇 quiet down
释义 quiet down
quiet down发音




quiets down───vi.静下来;使静下来

quieted down───vi.静下来;使静下来

quieten down───安静下来

quietens down───安静下来

quieting down───vi.静下来;使静下来

to quiet down───安静下来

bucket down───铲斗放下

quietened down───安静下来

burnt down───被烧成平地(burnt是burn的过去分词);被烧毁(burnt是burn的过去分词)


After listening to the teacher, the students gradually quiet down.───听了老师的话, 同学们逐渐安静下来.

Greater under the more snow the entire county has become a small quiet down.───雪越下越大了,整个小县城变得寂静下来.

The teacher made the rowdy class quiet down .───老师使这吵闹的班级安静了下来。

We'd better quiet down. I'm sure we must be annoying the people around us.───我们最好还是静下吧. 我肯定我们吵着附近的人了.

What happens as the mind starts to quiet down?───当心开始平静下来会发生什么 呢 ?

You can't wait for the world to quiet down before you start focusing on your own well-being.───你不可能等到这个时间安静下来,你才开始关注你自己的幸福。

Applause broke out before the judge asked the audience, which included some victims, to quiet down.───旁听席对此报以掌声,法官随即要求旁听者肃静.马多夫案的一些受害者到庭旁听.

boys began to quiet down to whispers, now, for the stillness and gloom of the place oppressed their spirits.───现在,男孩们开始安静下来,低声说话,因为这个地方的寂静和昏暗压抑了他们的情绪。

The storm quiet down at last.───暴风雨终于平息了.

In this a wild desert a scream Steve . After a moment, the baby town quiet down.───空旷的沙漠上传来凄厉的尖叫声, 几分钟后”婴孩镇”又安静下来了.

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