pissing about───工作吊儿郎当
messing around───浪费时间;一片狼籍;弄混
arsing about───v.闲混
casting about───想方设法;搜索
getting about───传开,传播;(病后)走动;旅行;积极参加社会活动
hedging about───用篱或栏围住
horsing about───胡闹
mess about───胡闹;瞎混;闲逛,浪费时间;粗鲁对待某人
messed about───胡闹;瞎混;闲逛,浪费时间;粗鲁对待某人
Tell the boy to stop messing about upstairs.───告诉那孩子别在楼上胡闹。
Stop messing about, boys! I'm trying to do some reading.───孩子们,别瞎闹,我想看一会儿书。
I'm just messing about with it really.───我真的搞得很糟。
If you're trying to get an application developed quickly, the last thing you want is to spend a lot of time messing about with appearance.───如果您打算快速开发一个应用程序,那么最后考虑的问题才是花费大量时间修饰外观。
By the same token, if a user needs the product but could achieve his goals without messing about with a user interface, he would.───同样的证据,如果用户能够在不让界面弄得一团糟的情况下使用产品,他也会这么做的。
Peter likes nothing better than going to the coast and messing about in his boat.───彼得最喜欢去海边,毫无目的地让船在海中漂荡。
He spent all day Sunday just messing about.───他星期天胡混了一整天。
So, kindly colleague friends advised Ma Yun to stop messing about it, even several partner confidence shaken.───于是,好心的同事朋友就劝马云别瞎折腾了,连几个合作伙伴的信心都发生了动摇。
I love just messing about in the garden.───我就是喜欢在花园里瞎转。
Stop messing about and bowl the ball!
Who's been messing about with my papers? They're all out of order.
She didn't want you coming and messing about with things.
Stop messing about and come and help!
I thought she was messing about.
Stop messing about and listen to me.
He spent the day with friends, just messing about.
Stop messing about — finish your work.
I'd like to know who's been messing about with the pram.
- messing with google
- messing about with