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词汇 messes up
释义 messes up
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messed up───混乱;酒醉;刻薄

dresses up───v.打扮,装饰;穿上盛装

eases up───放松

mess up───陷入困境;搞糟

passes up───拒绝;把…向上递

tosses up───掷钱币决胜负;匆匆准备

measures up───合格;符合标准

creases up───把……弄皱

grasses up───v.告发,揭发


characters that are not whitespace (which messes up apostrophes, but it's a good place to start)───空格的非首字母字符(空格将搞乱省略符号,但是它是很好的起点)

On WHT and many other places, you only hear about it when it messes up.───在西隧和许多其他地方,你只能听到它时它弄乱。

even messes up boiling an egg or preparing a cooked breakfast.───甚至连煮鸡蛋或煮早餐也做不好。

Then he gets an idea. He ties himself in a loop and messes up the top of his hair.───他突然想到了一个主意:把自己捆成一个圈,弄乱头发。

This is great, but they'll want some sort of invoice in case the order goes wrong or their credit card company messes up the payment.───虽然这很不错,但是他们将想得到某种发票,以防订单错误或他们的信用卡公司搞混了付款,。

Chemical contraception, which mimics pregnancy, messes up the system because of an intriguing twist.───药物避孕是模拟怀孕过程,用一个intriguingtwist(暂译:引人入胜的曲折情节?)来迷惑系统。

Because women have smaller hands: That messes up the size of the nigiri (mound of rice upon which the fish is placed).───因为女性的手比较小:这样饭团的大小就不一致。

You're going to tell your friends, "Don't upgrade to IE 8. It messes up every page, and Google Maps doesn't work at all. "───你会告诉你朋友:“别升级到IE8!所有的网页都显示得乱七八糟,Google地图根本用不了。”

And who said, "I'll never mess up" ? It's happened a few times on this tour. Even Bill messes up.───是谁说“我从不会乱套”的?在这次的巡演中已经发生好几次这样的事情了。都是B乱了套。


He sometimes messes up card games so he's pretty well behaved.

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