dressing up───角色扮演;乔装打扮
easing up───v.缓和;放松;减轻
meeting up───偶然遇到
passing up───拒绝;把…向上递
tossing up───掷钱币决胜负;匆匆准备
dressing ups───v.打扮,装饰;穿上盛装
measuring up───合格
creasing up───把……弄皱
grassing up───v.告发,揭发
And you respond, "so and so keeps messing up."───而你的回答会是“某某人总是把事情搞砸。”
I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.───我不想让你弄脏我这整洁的厨房。
Finance has a history of messing up, from the Dutch tulip bubble in 1637 to now.───从1637年的荷兰郁金香泡沫到现在,金融业有一段混乱的历史。
If you are going to bed very late, then you are probably also messing up your natural cortisol cycle.───如果你上床很晚,你很可能扰乱你的皮质醇循环。
Afterward, she returned her mother's call, screaming at her for messing up her train of thought.───后来,她给妈妈回了个电话,大声抱怨她打断了自己的思路。
I've got to talk to my assistant. He's always messing up my schedule!───我要找我的助手谈谈.他总是把我的计划打乱!
Adding a table row or moving the headings to the top should be simple to do without messing up a carefully tweaked layout or color schema.───添加表格行或把标题移动到顶部,做起来会很简单,不会弄乱精心调整的布局或颜色方案。
But if the United States and its allies end up messing up their part of the equation, blame it on their bad policy decisions.───但如果美国及其盟国最终把局面搞砸,则要怪它们糟糕的政策决定。
With Mercury retrograde, you can be sure that messing up on even one minor detail is likely to be noticed and held against you.───因为水星逆行,即是在一个微小的地方出了问题都可能成为别人手中的小辫子,对自己不利。
In that sense, Mercury is about to be a bit of a gremlin from April 18 to May 11, messing up some of your best-laid plans.
Kris Johnson, having worked hard since messing up, returns from the reported drug suspension in a couple of weeks.
Hitchcock gets a ratty letter for messing up his contribution to the script of Strangers On A Train.
Tact is the ability to step on a man's toes without messing up the shine on his shoes. Harry S. Truman
I don't want you messing up my nice clean kitchen.
Lay off! You're messing up my hair!
Freda, the newly-wed, was pregnant, and this was messing up all our duty rosters.
I used to blame my parents for messing up my life.
He is messing up.
- messing with google
- messing about with