quantum electronics───[电子]量子电子学
quantum physics───n.[量子]量子物理学;量子力学
garage mechanics───汽车修理工
motor mechanics───汽车修理工;机械员;司机
quantum leaps───量子跃迁;巨大突破
quantum meruit───按劳计酬;按合理价格支付
quantum optics───[光]量子光学
wave mechanics───[物]波动力学
quantum statistics───量子统计学
New forms of relativistic quantum mechanics are presented on the basis of amended de Broglie relation.───在修正的德布罗意关系的基础上,给出相对论量子力学的新的表述形式.
Most of the calculations performed in computational chemistry rely on quantum mechanics.───依靠量子力学,多数计算以计算化学来完成.
EPR problem is the problem of the various arguments on quantum mechanics incomplete since 1935.───EPR问题 指的是自1935年以来围绕量子力学是否完备的各种争论及相关的实验检验的发展历史.
According to quantum mechanics, empty space is anything but empty.───根据量子力学理论,真空区并非空无一物。
It is this conjecture that falls outside the usual formulation of quantum mechanics.───这个猜想的确超出了量子力学的一般概念.
Quantum mechanics and relativity have revealed the boundaries of validity of classical mechanics.───量子力学和相对论,揭示了经典力学的适用范围.
The first three chapters deal with various aspects of the relativistic quantum mechanics of free particles.───开始三章阐述了自由粒子的相对论量子力学的多个方面.
In the limit of large quantum numbers quantum mechanics goes over into classical mechanics.───在大量子数的极限情况下,从量子力学过渡到经典力学.
Application of quantum mechanics to atomic structure, molecular bonding, and spectroscopy gives us quantum chemistry.───将量子力学应用于原子结构, 分子键及光谱学即形成量子化学.
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.───量子力学和混沌理论都指出世界处在不断变化中。
Is Complementary Principle Essential to Understand Quantum Mechanics?───互补原理对于理解量子力学是必需的 吗 ?
Quantum mechanics is used at a lower level than in 22.51 and 22.106.───本课程比22.51和22.106采用较低水平的量子力学.
In this chapter we shall consider some of the basic postulates and theorems of quantum mechanics.───本章我们将阐述量子力学的一些基本假设和原理.
Course 1 makes heavy use of quantum mechanics.───第一种课程大量应用量子力学.
She is ignorant of quantum mechanics.───她对量子力学一窍不通.
Newton mechanics is no more than an approximate version of quantum mechanics.───牛顿力学只是量子力学的一种近似描述.
Molecular Quantum Mechanics established itself as a classic as soon as the original edition appeared.───原版一出版,分子量力学就确立自己作为一部经典作品的地位.
The probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics thus stems from the act of measurement.───量子力学的概率论性质因而阻止了测量行为.
Quantum mechanics is an unambiguous and quantitative theory.───量子力学是一个明确的和定量的理论.
Only in Cartesian coorsinates a lot of theorems and rules in quantum mechanics are correct.───量子力学中的定理和规则有许多仅在笛卡儿坐标系中才能得以成立.
Quantum mechanics provides probabilistic results because the physical universe is itself probabilistic rather than deterministic.───量子力学提供了概率结果,因为物质宇宙本身是随机而不是确定性.
He set up in that way an alternative form of quantum mechanics.───他就是以那样一种方式建立了量子力学的另一种形式。
The results of this section lie at the very heart of quantum mechanics.───本节的结果是量子力学所深切关心的问题.
In all quantum mechanics system, quantum geometric effect and geometric phase hold a very important role.───在整个量子力学系统中, 量子几何效应和几何相位占据着很重要的地位.
Some principles on establishing the momentum operator in quantum mechanics are discussed.───讨论了在量子力学里建立动量算符的一些原则性问题.
The fundamental rules of quantum mechanics are very broad.───量子力学的基本法则是广泛的.
Quantum communication is a rising interdisciplinary field which combines classical communication and quantum mechanics.───摘要量子通信是经典通信和量子力学相结合的一门新兴交叉学科.
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.───量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。
It does happen in quantum mechanics.───它确实发生在量子力学中。
We find some similarities of motion equations of five elements and Schrodinger equations in quantum mechanics.───将五行的运动模型与量子力学的薛定谔方程比较我们找到其相似点.
In quantum mechanics an auxiliary integral is often introduced to prove uncertainty principle.───在量子力学中,为证明测不准关系式,常引入辅助积分.
- quantum mechanic
- quantum computer
- quantum leap