spilling the beans───泄密;说漏嘴
to join the ranks───加入队伍
heeling tanks───横倾油箱
seeing the menu───看到菜单了吗
selling races───销售比赛
selling rates───卖出汇率
settling tanks───沉淀池
shortage of workers is pushing up wages and swelling the ranks of China's middle class, and it could make Chinese-made products less of a bargain worldwide.───工人短缺推动工资上升,并壮大了中国中产阶级队伍,同时也可能会造成中国制造的产品全球成交量降低。
Soaring the medical bills are squeezing wages, swelling the ranks of uninsured and pushing huge firms and perhaps even the government towards bankruptcy.───激增的医疗帐单正榨取着工资,吞噬着那些未投保阶层以及把公司甚至政府推向破产的深渊。
now he can savour his victory, having added Mr Fenty to the swelling ranks of incumbents undone by economic turmoil.───增加的因经济混乱而落马的当局者,现在他可以品味胜利的喜悦。
Yes, the stock market is thundering ahead but government funds are swelling the ranks of buyers.───不错,香港股市的确牛气冲天,但让买方队伍不断壮大的却是政府资金。
These are the folks who are joining the gangs in inner cities and swelling the ranks of the rural military gangs.───这些人将会是那些参加老城区流氓帮派以及使农村武装匪帮队伍扩大起来的人。
The ships rode at anchor, their crews merely swelling the ranks of the spectators.
- swellings synonym
- swelling the ranks
- swellings definition