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词汇 prostate gland
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prostate gland发音



prostate glands───前列腺

prostate cancer───前列腺癌

parotid gland───[解剖]腮腺

parotoid gland───腮腺


prostate cancers───前列腺癌

pituitary gland───[解剖]脑下垂体


Stands in opposition what with the first two broad heading branch disease is prostate gland disease.───与前两大类男科疾病鼎足而立的是前列腺疾病.

Refers to organizations or prostate gland cell formed stones.───是指在前列腺组织或腺胞中形成的结石.

Main treatment: Prostate gland cancer, treatment before menolipsis and after the operation of breast cancer patient.───主要治疗: 前列腺癌, 在停经前和乳腺癌患者术后的治疗.

Male function barrier, sterile sterile, prostate gland disease.───男性性功能障碍, 不孕不育 、 前列腺疾病.

To discuss the changes of prostate specific antigen (PSA) following age, the serum concentrations of PSA were measured by ABC ELISA in 100 men with normal prostate gland.───为了探讨血清前列腺特异抗原(psa)的随龄变化,用ABC - ELISA检测了100例前列腺正常的男性血清ps A的浓度。

Obstructions caused by problems like kidney stones, tumors or an enlarged prostate gland in men.───障碍所造成的问题,如肾结石, 肿瘤或前列腺增大的男性.

Samples of tissue are removed by inserting a needle through thethe rectum into the prostate gland.───我们可以通过直肠壁插入一根针直至前列腺而后取出组织样本.

Because clinical case shows: 98 % for adenocarcinoma of prostate gland atrophy, often from peripheral.───因为临床病例显示: 98%为腺癌, 常从前列腺萎缩的外周发生.

Estrogen is considered a female hormone but it also plays a role in the development of the prostate gland. The hormone has both positive and negative effects.───雌激素被认为是女性激素,但它在前列腺的发育中也起一定的作用。该激素有正、负双向效应。

The tumor in his prostate gland was caught at an early and very likely curable stage.───由于他的前列腺肿瘤是在早期被发现的,处在很有可能治愈阶段.

He didn't want any one massaging his prostate gland. No, that he didn't relish.───他并不想叫别人按摩他的摄护腺, 不, 他不喜欢那样.

The bilateral renal pelvis and ureter were markedly dilated, the prostate gland was lifted up.───双肾盂、肾盏及输尿管扩张明显, 前列腺位置抬高.

In addition, the seminal vesicle, the vas deferens and prostate gland's relations are closer.───此外, 精囊 、 输精管和前列腺的关系更为密切.

Three main problems can occur in the prostate gland: inflammation or infection, called prostatitis; enlargement, called benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH); and cancer.───前列腺三个主要病症是炎症或感染,统称前列腺炎;增生,称之为良性前列腺肥大;还有癌症。

Surgical removal of all or part of the prostate gland.───切除前列腺术切除前列腺的全部或部分外科手术.

Prostatic disorder: Abnormality or disease of the prostate gland.───前列腺疾病: 前列腺的功能障碍或疾病.

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