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词汇 profit margin
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profit margins───利润空间;利润边际;利润幅度

profit warning───盈利预警

profit warnings───盈利预警

profit sharing───[会计]利润分享,利润分摊;分红制

gross margin───[贸易]毛利

profit taking───获利完成;实现利润


gross profit margin───毛利率

gross profit margins───毛利率


But if sales as well as them have to, those's yet we within our profit margin.───不过假如销售状况有应有的表现, 那就仍在咱们的获利范围之内.

We should consider our profit margin when setting our price structure.───我们在制定价格结构时应该考虑到边际利润率.

In general, the profit margin is higher on ink refills than on printers themselves.───通常口墨盒的利润率比打印机本身的利润率高.

The Asian area is its profit is richest, the profit margin also highest area.───亚洲地区是其获利最为丰厚 、 利润率也最高的地区.

Matching Google's profit margin was never the object, however.───然而,希望与谷歌的收入持平从来就不是微软的目标.

A net profit margin of at least 10 percent is considered good.───纯利润率值至少在10%,才被认为是好的.

The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.───该集团去年的净利润空间为30%。

The corporation's line is a good profit margin.───公司的基本要求是好的“利润 ”.

Steel, aluminum and other raw materials prices will help enhance the company's products gross profit margin.───钢材 、 铝等原材料价格下跌有助于提升公司产品毛利率.

A thirty percent discount would slash our profit margin.───三成的折扣会大幅压缩我们的毛利.

profit margin is almost 200 percent.───利润率接近百分之两百。

Reduce the rate of revenue decline, gross profit margin continued to improve.───收入下滑幅度减小, 毛利率继续提高.

Superhigh profit margin, it is one of characteristics of network game.───超高的利润率, 是网络游戏的特点之一.

The computer company had a net profit margin of 30 % last year.───去年这家电脑公司实现30%的净利润率.

Take advantage of online capabilities can enhance their profit margin.───利用联机功能可以提升他们的利润空间.

Actually, our price is already narrowly calculated and it leaves us only small profit margin.───事实上, 我们的价格是精确计算过的,赚头很少.

What parameters constitute a reasonable profit margin?───合理的利润空间由哪些参数构成?

The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.───去年,这个集团的纯利润率为30%。

Digital sales yield a higher profit margin too.───数码化的销售也能带来很高的利润回报。

Any consequent profit margin compression has been offset by volume gains.───销量的增长弥补了手机降价给利润率带来的压力.

Grace: But if sales go as well as they should, that's still well within our profit margin.───葛蕾丝: 不过假如销售状况有应有的表现, 那就仍在我们的获利范围之内.

The project is very profitable , with a profit margin as high as 100 %.───这个项目的收益很高,基本上是对本利.

The computer has been programmed ( to calculate the gross profit margin on all sales ).───计算机已输入了程序指令 ( 以计算各项销售的毛利率 ).

Does the budget carry to retaining a firm the action of battalion profit margin how?───预算对于保持公司运营利润率的作用怎样?

This was also due to a 1 percent higher profit margin and better asset turnover ratio.───这也是由于提高1%的利润边际和较好的资产周转率所致.

The result of capital riding quality has only, namely capital profit margin.───资本运行质量的结果只有一个, 即资本利润率.

Satyam actual profit margin of 3 percent, while the figure for the fabrication of 24 percent.───萨特亚姆的实际利润率为3%, 而捏造的数字为24%.

The lower the costs required generating a dollar of revenue, the higher the profit margin.───产生1元收入所要求的成本越低, 利润边际就越高.

The competition in security industry is getting drastic and the profit margin is getting small.───证券行业的竞争日趋激烈,从暴利走向微利.

They pass on their cost of borrowing and add it to their profit margin.───他们将借款成本转嫁,将其算到利润率里面。


The group had a net profit margin of 30% last year.

  • profit sharing
  • profitable online store
  • profits taxes
  • profitably meaning in hindi
  • profitable index
  • profit and loss statement




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