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词汇 police arrest
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false arrest───(个人对个人的)[法]非法拘留

house arrest───软禁

police cars───警察巡逻车

police forces───警察;警察机关

police works───公安工作;警察事务

police department───(美)警察局

police academy───警察学校(电影名)

false arrests───(个人对个人的)[法]非法拘留

house arrests───软禁


a cold October night, police arrest the inebriated and take them to jail.───十月份一个寒冷的夜晚,警察逮捕了几名醉汉,把他们绳之以法。

March 2004: British police arrest the five extremists.───3月:英国警方逮捕了五名极端主义者。

The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.───警察在本月初逮捕了8名伪造和贩卖假录取通知书的人。

But when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion of cheating; how could a street kid know so much?───但是当节目结束时,警察却逮捕了他,原因是他涉嫌作弊;一个街头流浪的孩子怎么会知道这么多?

This sounds like an advantage, but it may imply just the opposite: that police arrest Asians on flimsier grounds than they do others.───这听起来是个优势,但也可能正相反:比起其他种族的人来说,警察更加没有立场逮捕亚洲人。

The Chicago police arrest him and bring him to Homeland Agent Don Self, who wants Michael to help him get Scylla.───芝加哥警察逮捕了他,国安局特工赛尔夫与他进行了谈话,他希望迈克尔能够帮助他来取得“锡拉”。

Dress up as sheep and camp out in front of their houses. Bah "Yooooouu robbbbbed ussssss" until the police arrest you and take you away.───扮成羊在他们家门口露营,咩咩叫著「你抢了我们的东西」,直到你被警察带走为止。

Russian police arrest a businessman on suspicion of ordering the death of one of the country's top bankers.───俄罗斯警方逮捕一名商人因涉嫌订购逝世是我国目前最高的银行家。

Anti-terror police arrest the News of the World royal editor, Clive Goodman, on suspicion of illegally intercepting phone calls.───反恐警察逮捕了《世界新闻》的皇家新闻编辑克莱夫古德曼,原因是是怀疑其非法拦截手机通话。


McGrady once witnessed police arrest his youth league football coach during a drug bust.

The police arrest 8 person who forge and cadge the fake advice note of matriculate.

On a cold October night, police arrest the inebriated and take them to jail.

  • police captain
  • policeman song
  • police k
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  • police cell
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