

词汇 please don t cry
释义 please don t cry
please don t cry发音




please oneself───感到满意

pleased to meet you───见到你很高兴

ease nature───大便;小便

grease monkey───n.油猢狲(指机械修理工)

parrot cry───鹦鹉学舌



Jimmy, Jimmy please don "t cry."───吉米,吉米,请你别哭。

Please, don "t you cry, understand me, won" t you try, let "s just kiss and say goodbye."───请不要哭,请试著谅解我,让我俩亲吻后道别吧。

Please darling, don "t you cry, let" s just kiss and say goodbye.───讬,亲爱的!不要哭,让我俩亲吻后道别吧。

Bitter sweet memories, that is all I'm taking with me. So, goodbye. Please, don't cry. We both know I'm not what you, you need.───苦涩而甜蜜的回忆是我唯一带走的。因此,再见吧。请不要哭泣。我们都清楚我不适合你。

Then she looked at me and her friends. "Don't cry for me, ladies, " she said. "Please, don't cry now. "───随后她看着我和她的朋友们。“不要为我而哭,夫人们,”她说。“现在请别哭了。”

please don't cry. Only today do we realize that the results do not matter to us. What matters to us the most, is you.───到了今天我们发现原来胜败我们并不在乎,重要的其实是你。

That is all I'm taking with me. So goodbye! Please don't cry.───甜蜜又辛酸的回忆,那就是我要带走的东西。所以,再见吧!

Please don't cry for me, mom, Because when I needed you, you were always there.───别为我哭,妈妈,因为我需要你的时候,你总是在那里。

Well if I'm gone when you wake up, please don't cry.───如果当你醒来,我却消失不在,请你不要哭泣。

  • please hurry
  • please select login method
  • please stop
  • please send
  • pleased as punch
  • please t
  • pleased at
  • please advise
  • pleased with
  • please not
  • please sir
  • please go
  • please see
  • please come then
  • please select boot device
  • please fly
  • please walt
  • please be
  • please come in
  • please don t cry
  • please be quiet




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