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词汇 play cricket
释义 play cricket
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play chicken───为吓倒对方互相挑战和威胁

pyjama cricket───板球睡衣

grade cricket───等级板球

cage cricket───笼蟋蟀

day ticket───来回票

mole cricket───蝼蛄

not cricket───不公平


Do you often play cricket with Bob?───你常常和鲍勃打板球 吗 ?

The professional footballer who also play cricket is a rare bird nowadays.───职业足球员也打板球的现在很少见了.

Because you let me play cricket on the lawn.───因为你允许我在草坪上玩蟋蟀。

Afghan boys play cricket in the Pesh valley in Kunar Province August 14.───阿富汗男孩发挥Pesh流域板球库纳尔省的8月14日.

During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.───在夏季学期,我们会在村里的空地上打板球。

Do you play cricket?───你打板球 吗 ?

Do you know how to play cricket?───你知道板球的打法 吗 ?

I like to play cricket.───我喜欢打板球。

During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.───夏季学期里我们常在村里的空地上玩板球。

He taught the boys to play cricket.───他教孩子们打板球.

He couldn't play cricket to save his life.───他费了九牛二虑之力却还是打不好板球.


During the summer term we would play cricket at the village ground.

Mr. Scott I play cricket with the hon. Gentleman, and I know that he understands the laws of that game.

The team needs players who want to play cricket for England, not merely any country that will have them.

Jeremy does play cricket, but very infrequently.

I remember occasionally, very occasionally, he used to play cricket with me on the lawn.

The young fellows are left alone to play cricket six days a week.

The pity of it was that the Americans didn't play cricket.

Not only has Malvern College gone co-educational, but the girls are actually being allowed to play cricket.

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  • play chicken
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