pitched battles───激战
epic battle───史诗般的战役
fierce battle───激战;恶战;激烈的战斗
give battle───挑战
pitch a tale───讲故事
pitched into───vt.投入;开始努力工作;猛烈进攻;大吃大嚼
pitched shot───投球
street battle───巷战
the bottle───瓶子
Each side committed its reserves and a pitched battle followed.───双方都把后备部队投入了战斗,紧接着一场激战开始了.
It was almost impossible to induce the Iraqi soldiers to fight a pitched battle.───当时,要想诱使伊拉克士兵出阵交战几乎是不可能的.
Conservationists fought a pitched battle with developers over the future of the site.───主张保护自然环境的人同地产开发公司就该地前途进行了针锋相对的论战.
The two merchants came to a pitched battle in the market place.───这两个商人在市场上激烈地争执起来.
The Order fought a pitched battle with Death Eaters in June of 1996.───凤凰社在1996年六月和食死徒进行了一场难分难解的战斗.
Fifteen days of campaigning are left and the real pitched battle now begins.───半个月的竞选日子已经过去,真刀实枪的艰苦战斗现在开始了.
It was more a fighting retreat than a pitched battle.───它更像是一场掩护撤退的佯战,而不是一场激烈的正面战斗。
The demonstration escalated into a pitched battle with the police.───示威逐步升级,演变成了一场同警察的混战。
At the moment, the two auto giants are fighting a pitched battle over market share.───眼下,这两个汽车巨人为争夺市场份额正在展开一场激战。
The two armies fought a pitched battle on the plain.