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词汇 help needed
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dip needle───磁倾计

dip needles───磁倾计



hell week───地狱周


But getting the right kind of help is not so easy, partly because food is not a one-solution-fits-all problem and partly because some of the help needed now risks making matters worse in the long run.───但合理的帮助方式并非唾手可得,原因之一是食品问题不是可以一刀切就可以解决的问题,另外也因为一些现在亟需的帮助长期来看可能使问题更糟。

He was wearing a baseball cap and was holding a large card that said help needed.───他戴着棒球帽,手里举着一块大牌子,上面写着“需要帮助。”

This is a nation of caregivers. You can see it in the Numbers: Approximately 50 million Americans provide the majority of the help needed by relatives or friends who are elderly, ill, or disabled.───这是个护理者的国度,有数字为证:有大约5000万美国人为他们年老的、患病的或者残障的亲人或朋友提供了绝大部分对方需要的帮助。

EU rules require such a mission to be sent to a country asking for financial aid, to establish the details of the help needed.───欧盟规则规定,向需要经济救助的国家派遣调查团,从而确定需求细节。

That seems unlikely to be the whole story (the amount of help needed to compensate would be huge), though it might be a contributory factor.───尽管这可能是一个促成因素,但似乎不大可能成为整个故事(需要补偿的帮助数额将是巨大的)。

You know of the many Centres that are being set up, so that those who believed the Illusion will receive the help needed to move forward.───你知道许多的中心正在被设立,好让那些信任这幻象的人们可以得到必要的资讯来继续前进。

The tremendous focus within Japan and around the globe now is on getting the help needed to make these plants safe.───日本和全世界都在广泛关注如何平息核电站危机。

Duarte 101 [es] writes a short summary of the help needed and collection points across the Dominican Republic.───Duarte101[西文]写了一则简短摘要,说明所需的帮助与多米尼加全国物资搜集的地点。


The help needed includes financing—public and private—to promote responsible water development in the neediest countries and reduce poverty.

Help needed: Hartlepool's Citizens Advice Bureau is recruiting volunteer workers.

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