

词汇 banking sector
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banking sector发音



booming sector───繁荣部门

mining sector───矿业

expanding sector───扩大部门

banking system───银行系统;[金融]银行业务处理系统

growing sector───成长型行业

housing sector───房地产行业;住房部门

blocking factor───[计]块因子;[计]组块因子;编块因数

thriving sector───欣欣向荣的部门

banking operation───银行经营


The information set forth below is mainly about the PRC banking sector.───下列资料主要与中国银行业相关.

The Chinese banking sector has to be very careful and cautious.───中国银行业必须非常小心谨慎.

Here, if one ignores the banking sector , there are some hopeful signs.───而信贷市场正是引发这场危机的源头.

We have shown we are serious about protecting the competitiveness of the UK banking sector.───我们已经表明我们在保护英国银行业竞争力上的认真态度.

Banking sector to develop intermediary business, business structure and profit model of the trend is expanding.───银行发展中间业务的业务结构及利润模式转变的趋势正在扩大.

This is why the banking sector cannot make new loans.───这就是为什么银行业无法提供新贷款的原因.

The banking sector is fundamentally sound and the currency stable.───银行业基础稳健,货币稳定.

All these changes have disciplined the banking sector.───所有这些改变规范了金融业.

The banking sector had already begun to feel the pinch.───银行业已开始感受到资金短缺的压力.

Take the banking sector.───拿银行来举例说明。

The market was held down by profit-taking in the banking sector yesterday.───股市昨天因银行方面套利持续走低。

The ECB also preparing more steps to bolster the euro - zone banking sector.───欧洲央行还准备采取更多举措来提振欧元区银行业.

The robust performance of the banking sector promoted the economic development.───金融的平稳运行,促进了国民经济的发展.

And the troubles aren't over the banking sector.───银行业的麻烦也未结束.

The biggest concern is the banking sector.───最大的担忧是银行业.

It's true, the banking sector is recovering.───这是真实的,银行业正在复苏。

What's driving this market is a liquidity bubble of unseen proportions from the banking sector.───推动这个市场的是来自银行业、规模前所未见的流动性泡沫.

Second, at where commercial real estate lies in the banking sector.───其次, 可以看看商业房地产处于银行领域的什么位置.


Much of the workforce in the banking sector is/are affected by the new legislation.

Banking sector to develop intermediary business, business structure and profit model of the trend is expanding.

The first brings the banking sector into line with a measure introduced in last year's supplementary budget, which restricts foreign companies to a minority stake in local joint ventures.

The banking sector, in particular, is likely to experience change.

The investment is Carlyle's first in China's banking sector.

The banking sector has undergone radical changes in recent years with branches closing and staffing rationalised.

It is clear that for the banking sector as a whole, foreign currency business predominates.

We will encourage greater competition in the banking sector. Break up monopolies.

Sydney: Continued activity in the banking sector helped the All Ordinaries index to close 7.4 points higher at 1,743.4.

  • banking institution
  • banking with lnb
  • banking supervision
  • banking accounting




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