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词汇 pickled herring
释义 pickled herring
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a red herring───熏青鱼;转移人们注意力的东西

lake herring───湖鲱鱼


pickled egg───酱蛋

red herring───熏青鱼;转移注意力的话题;与事实不相干的论点

lake herrings───湖鲱鱼

matjes herring───鲱鱼饭

ox-eye herring───牛眼鲱鱼

pickled fish───酸菜鱼;冷醋鱼


Our eyes locked over the pickled herring. We never meant for it to happen.───我们四目交汇在一只盐鲱鱼上,我们也不是故意的。

How about some nice juicy raw or pickled herring, or some toasted seaweed in a bowl of rice?───要不要来点美味的多汁生鲱鱼,或者来一碗烤海草拌米饭。

Nevertheless, the Swedes or pickled herring love, they will recommend every foreign friends a taste.───尽管如此,瑞典人还是对腌鲱鱼十分钟爱,他们会推荐每一位外国朋友品尝这一美味。

The Swedish pickled herring is a stinky smell, taste sour canned food.───瑞典腌鲱鱼是一种闻起来臭、味道有点酸的罐装食品。

It is sunny, windy, and the Swede 's favorite food, is the world's most rotten food, pickled herring also quietly listed.───这时候阳光充足,微风和煦,而瑞典人最钟爱的美食,也是世界上最臭的佳肴,腌鲱鱼也悄然上市了。

Pickled herring is on the New Year's Day menu in Poland and boiled cod is traditional in Denmark.───腌鲱鱼是波兰人在元旦的菜单和煮鳕鱼是一种传统的丹麦食物。


How about some nice juicy raw or pickled herring, or some toasted seaweed in a bowl of rice?

And the pickled herring platter looks good, too.

Along came the Vikings, with their action-man words like 'drag', 'ransack', 'thrust' and 'die', and a love of pickled herring.

Pickled herring is on the New Year's Day menu in Poland and boiled cod is traditional in Denmark.

On their seats were boxed dinners containing schnapps, beer, pickled herring, new potatoes, goose, crayfish , red cabbage, brussels sprouts, and saffron buns.

In a Malm? stadium, Odfalk watched a performance of traditional Swedish songs and dances while eating pickled herring and drinking schnapps.

  • pickled cabbage
  • pickled ginger
  • pickled fish




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