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词汇 fannie mae
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Fannie Mae───范妮梅(财富500强公司之一,总部设于美国,主要经营多种金融)

Ginnie Mae───吉利美;美国政府国民抵押协会(等于GovernmentNationalMortgageAssociation)

Ginnie Maes───金妮·梅斯

auntie man───n.女人气的男人

fancy man───情夫;靠女人养的汉子


fanning mill───风选机

fanning out───成扇形散开

fancied that!───假如;真想不到


During 2007 it bought government-agency debt, ie, that of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, rather than Treasuries.───在2007年它购买了政府代理负债,比如用范妮梅和弗雷德马克来代替国债。

Fannie Mae was an ingenious device for making homebuying finance available in desperate times.───在经济危急时期,房利美让购房融资成为可能,是一项具有独创性的发明.

But penny by penny, the mortgage giant Fannie Mae is being salvaged in the stock market.───但是房地产贷款业的巨头房利美,却在股票市场中被一分一厘的投资所救赎.

Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have lately been the main support for the troubled housing market.───受房市危机影响,房利美和房地美已成为近期援助的主要对象.

Further funds will be made available to the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac banks.───房利美和房地美银行想得到更多的基金.

Also falling out are Wachovia, Fannie Mae and, soon enough, Merrill Lynch.───同时跌出的还有Wachovia 、 房利美和美林(MerrillLynch).

The biggest are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.───最大的就是房利美和房贷美.

But the Lilliputian price also explains why Fannie Mae might have buy - and - hold types feeling queasy.───但是其股价如此低靡,也同样可以解释为什麽人们厌恶于 长期 持有房利美的股票.

In this way we will avoid duplication of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac errors.───这样我们也将避免重复房利美和房地美的错误.

He had previously warned Congress that there were problems with current practices, especially to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.───他之前就向国会发出警告,说现行做法存在问题,特别是 Fannie Mae 和 Freddie Mac 。

All those Fannie Mae shares do not add up to much money.───然而全部这些房利美股票加起来,也不值多少钱。


Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac combined totaled mortgage back securities and debts is over US$5T, and controlled about 90% of the US secondary mortgage market.

Fannie Mae loses interest revenue in a lengthy foreclosure.

Countrywide Funding Corporation and the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) announced today that they have signed a record commitment to finance $8 billion in home mortgages.

Looking for part-time work? Hurry on down to Fannie Mae.

Lenders may mix and match Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac requirements.

The biggest are Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

In this way we will avoid duplication of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac errors.

Allow a Fannie Mae to collapse, and the US economy might well collapse with it.

The company is Fannie Mae (FNMA), the government-controlled mortgage investor whose collapse three years ago was a major milestone along the road to national financial ruin.





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