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词汇 peacekeeping force
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peacekeeping forces───维和部队


attacking force───特攻部队(电影名称)


tide-generating force───造潮力

excepting for───除了…以外;要不是由于

excessive force───用力过度

housekeeping cart───客房服务车

housekeeping carts───客房推车


Nigeria provided a large contingent of troops to the West African Peacekeeping Force.───尼日利亚向西非维和部队派出了一大批部队。

EUROPEAN military force might yet be sent to eastern Congo in addition to an expanded United Nations peacekeeping force.───在联合国向刚果增援了维和部队之后,可能还需要向刚果派遣一支欧洲联军。

FINALLY, after almost a year of negotiations, Sudan's government has agreed to let a "hybrid" African Union (AU) and UN peacekeeping force be sent to its ruined western region of Darfur.───在经历了大致一年的谈判之后,苏丹政府最终同意让非洲联盟混杂部队与联合国维和部队入驻达尔·福尔西部遭受破坏的地区。

The only hope at present is for a robust international peacekeeping force to come in and allow the Ethiopians to withdraw.───目前,唯一的希望是让一个强大的国际维和部队介入,并允许埃塞俄比亚驻军撤出。

The African Union says is ready to send off a taliban of soldiers to Somalia to boost the African peacekeeping force there.───非洲联盟表示现在已经准备好向索马里派遣一大批的士兵,以增进当地非洲和平维护武装力量。

What passes for a government is protected by an African Union peacekeeping force guarding the presidential palace.───所谓的政府只不过是由非洲联盟维和部队保卫着的总统府。

The U. N. Security Council has renewed the mandate of its joint U. N. -African Union peacekeeping force in Darfur, Sudan, for another year.───联合国安理会把联合国跟非洲联盟在苏丹达尔富尔的维和行动授权延长了一年。

And a U. N. peacekeeping force called for in the Djibouti accord has yet to be formed.───吉布提协议中要求部署的联合国维和部队还没有组成。

Archbishop Tutu called for the rapid deployment of a joint 26-thousand United Nations- African Union peacekeeping force to Darfur.───图图大主教呼吁尽快向达尔富尔地区部署联合国和非洲联盟的2万6千名联合维和部队。


The peacekeeping force has already been extended five times, and the deployment is now scheduled to end July 31.

The UN Peacekeeping Force faces an almost impossible task.

The UN secretary-general yesterday recommended an enlarged peacekeeping force.

The United Nations has installed a peacekeeping force to maintain order until the elections in May 1993.

A small peacekeeping force will be deployed in the area.

The United Kingdom opposed sending a peacekeeping force because it represented a long-term commitment but suggested an oil embargo.

It would be the first major peacekeeping force deployed in the Western Hemisphere.

It is now hoped that the full peacekeeping force will be in place by the end of the month.

A large peacekeeping force is now being assembled, ready to move at 48 hours' notice.





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