

词汇 packed up
释义 packed up
packed up发音



backed up───堵车了的;已备份的

jacked up───提高;顶起,用千斤顶托起

picked up───捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会

racked up───击倒,获胜;累计

cracked up───vt.撞坏;衰退;赞扬;突然大笑起来;精神崩溃;吹捧

packed out───完全挤满了人的(房间等)

plucked up───振作,鼓起勇气

pricked up───vt.粗涂;竖起;(风)加剧

shacked up───v.同住;同居


He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately.───他慢慢地、小心翼翼地收拾好自己的物品。

I carefully packed up the gifts.───我小心翼翼地把礼品包好。

The fax machine's packed up again.───传真机又坏了。

House's desk is packed up carefully after the shooting day and replaced exactly as it was the next morning.───豪斯的桌子拍完后都会很认真的收拾一遍,然后第二天早又会重新原样摆上。

The following week I packed up and decided to hit the road and get out of that city of ignorance which is the modern city.───在次一个礼拜我收拾好行囊且决意冲击那路途并离开那屈曲之城阿谁当代都会。

So the poor guy packed up the humongous sign and his roses, and walked to his car with his chin buried in his chest.───那个可怜的学生只好收起那个标语和玫瑰。回到车里,垂头丧气。

Once I was in a hurry trying to catch the train to Shanghai. I packed up and put all the things I would need into a suitcase and locked it.───有一次,我忙着赶去上海的火车,收拾好行李,把所需要的东西放进箱子,上了锁。

He said he watched from his window as a team of Chinese workers dismantled and packed up his old workplace in 1998.───他说,1998年时,他就从窗口看到一队中国工人,将他以前工作过的地方拆除,然后打包。

I was twenty-three then and on my own feet but as I sorted through and packed up the belongings in her flat, I felt like a child again.───我当时23岁,开始了独立生活,但是当我在她的公寓收拾她的物品时,感觉自己又像个孩子。


The photocopier's packed up again.

He packed up his things and left.

He packed up his possessions slowly and deliberately.

They packed up and went home.

I carefully packed up the gifts.

The engine has packed up.What's wrong with it?

The fax machine's packed up again.

Halfway up the hill , the engine packed up.

My camera has packed up.

  • packed lunches
  • packed lunch
  • packed like sardines
  • packed house




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