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词汇 balance sheet
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n.资产负债表; 财务状况表


balance sheets───资产负债表

balance shaft───平衡轴(具有配重的一种轴)

balance wheel───[仪]摆轮;[机]平衡轮

balance shafts───平衡轴(具有配重的一种轴)

balance wheels───[仪]摆轮;[机]平衡轮

blanket sheet───毛毯

balance staves───平衡杆

baking sheet───烤盘;烤板

balance beam───n.平衡木;天平横梁;平衡杆,秤杆


How is this excess amount recorded on the Balance Sheet of the parent company?───这个额外的部分在母公司的资产负债表中将如何体现?

Analyze business transactions and relate them to changes in the balance sheet.───分析经济业务并把它们与引起的资产负债表的变化联系起来.

Prepaid expenses are a small part of the balance sheet.───预付款项是资?负债表上的一个小项.

Explain how the income statement and the statement of retained earnings relate to the balance sheet.───解释利润表和留存收益表和资产负债表之间的关系.

The balance sheet shows the corporation's assets and liabilities.───资产负债表说明了公司的资产和债务情况.

This action would reduce notes payable on the balance sheet.───这项行动将会降低资产负债表上应付票据的金额.

The balance sheet clearly shows that the company has a stagnant economy.───资产负债表清楚地表明公司的经营情况不景气.

Plant assets are shown in the balance sheet at their book values ( or carrying values ).───资产负债表中固定资产以账面净值 ( 实际值 ) 列示.

Accounts receivable are treated as a current asset on a balance sheet.───应收帐款在资产负债表上被视为流动资产.

The transaction note includes credit card billing and bank investment balance sheet, and so on.───交易单据包括信用卡账单和银行投资结算表等等.

One important distinction the income statement and the balance sheet is that between stocks and flows.───损益表和资产负债表的一个重要区别在于贮备和流动.

Understand how to derive the indirect SCF from the Income Statement and the Balance Sheet.───理解如何根据损益表和资产负债表推出间接法现金流量表.

The balance sheet maybe arranged in either account form or report form.───资产负债表有两种格式:帐户式和报告式.

This level of security exceeds the book value of the assets on the club's balance sheet.───这种程度的抵押行为已经远远超过了俱乐部资产负债表显示的俱乐部资产的账面价值.

On that basis, the federal balance sheet would also limit a full recovery.───从这个意义上说, 联邦资产负债表也会限制全面复苏.

He couldn't explain the irregularities in the balance sheet, and I suspect him of taking the money.───他无法解释资产负债表中的不正常的情况, 我怀疑他把钱放进自己腰包了.

Anyway, I have to check your recent Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statement again.───不过, 我得再核查一下贵公司近期的资产负债表及损益表.

The procedures above describe the balance sheet approach to estimating and recording credit losses.───以上步骤介绍了资产负债表法对信用损失的预估和记录.

Responsible for other misc. balance sheet account reconciliation as assigned.───负责资产负债表和其他帐户的对帐.

Off Balance Sheet business plays more and more important role in commercial banks " operations. "───商业银行表外业务在银行的经营活动中占有愈来愈重要的地位.

In the balance sheet, organization costs appear under the other assets caption.───在资产负债表中, 开办费出现在其他资产项目下.

I would give my ears for a glance at that balance sheet.───我一定要看一看财政收支表.

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