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词汇 organization structure
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[经] 组织结构


organizational structure───组织结构;组织架构

organizational culture───组织文化

organizational cultures───组织文化

organization chart───n.组织系统图

organization charts───组织图(organizationchart的复数)

organization expense───开办费

capital structure───[经]资本结构

organization expenses───[会计]开办费;筹备费

organization man───组织人;(组织机构内)驯顺的成员


Organization structure a presentation of the Organization.───组织结构是组织的外在表现.

To break the shackle of traditional organization structure, a hypertext organization is put forward.───在探讨了组织响应机理(息 、 织和功能)基础上,提出了超文本的组织概念.

Correspondingly, there is less study on the organization structure in the present AMM.───与之相应的是, 目前AMM的 研究中有关组织结构问题的研究较少.

It is compounded by the necessities of organization structure and such other factors as personality considerations.───它可由组织结构和其他因素(如人格的考虑)的需要加以配合.

Physical multi-tenant organization structure tree.───物理多租户组织结构树。

The organization structure adjust organization strategy and implements utmost important.───社团结构对社团战略的实行至关重要.

Organization structure innovation provides essential condition for enterprise sustained development.───组织结构的创新为企业可持续发展提供了必要条件.

Process Organization structure is based on Business Process and aided by functions.───流程组织是以业务流程为中心、职能为辅的组织结构.

There is possibility that the masses could take part in decision making matrix system organization structure.───原有的组织结构以直线制为主,缺乏信息的交流,引入矩阵制组织结构以后,民众也有了参与决策的可能性.

Virtualized multi-tenant organization structure tree.───虚拟的多租户组织结构树。

Helping a leading Chinese transportation conglomerate in designing its business portfolio and organization structure.───为中国一家大型运输企业提供投资组合及组织结构咨询.

Build up information structure and organization structure based on green supply chain management.───构造了基于绿色供应链的信息结构和组织结构.

Organization structure describes the organization's formal framework or system of communication and authority.───组织结构指的是组织内部正式的信息交流和行使职权的框架体系.

Economic structure includes industrial structure, product structure, technology structure, distribution structure, organization structure to wait.───经济结构包括产业结构 、 产品结构 、 技术结构 、 布局结构 、 组织结构等.

The basic element of school organization structure is the position not institution.───学校组织结构的基本要素是职位而不是机构.

Multi-tenant Organization Structure Design and Authentication process.───多租户组织结构设计和身份验证过程。

Family Organization Structure restricts the sustainable development of non - government economy.───家族制制约着民营经济的进一步发展.

This thesis introduced aim of global strategy, management mode and organization structure design.───国际化战略的总体方向 、 管理模式和国际化经营不同阶段的组织设计也作了介绍.


Whatsoever, its organization structure and operation mechanism always maintained democratic negotiation, ranging from chairman system, committee system to board system.

Organization structure innovation provides essential condition for enterprise sustained development.

Recommend effective and organization structure and development plans to coincide with strategic objective.

At present, there are following organization structure types of diversified business of railway locomotive and rolling stock industry:individual, collective and group companies.

These scholars contend that organization structure is the product of self-interest, and is formed through negotiation and compromise.

Organization structure a presentation of the Organization.

Based on this organization structure and information system, we can build the value control system and the performance valuation system oriented in building the core competence.

They subsequently found it difficult to talk about organization structure without first resolving questions of strategy.

Family Organization Structure restricts the sustainable development of non - government economy.

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