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词汇 order by
释义 order by
order by发音




order book───定货簿

wonder boy───有非凡成就的人

boarder baby───寄宿婴儿

border on───接界;相邻于;近似于


order about───支使;不断差遣

order books───订货本(orderbook的复数)

wonder boys───奇迹小子(电影名称);古惑教师(电影名称)


Harold: We need part of that order by next week.───哈洛德: 我们下个星期前就需要一部分的货.

The physical address book, for example, stores names in alphabetical order by last name.───比如说, 通常的通信录以姓的首字母的顺序记录联系人.

The safest manner for listing names is in straight alphabetical order by surname.───列名单最妥贴的方式是直接按姓氏的字母顺序排列.

The curving glass wall was made to order by Jeff Bell.───这面弯曲玻璃墙是由杰夫·贝尔定制的。

They were occasionally called to order by the adults.───大人偶尔提醒他们遵守会场秩序.

Ok. Can you please send us your order by fax or by mail?───好的. 请您把订单传真或邮寄过来好 吗 ?

All the catalogues are in alphabetical order by author, title, and subject.───所有目录都是以作者姓名 、 书名及主题按字母顺序编制的.

He sent the order by messenger.───他通过邮递员发出订单。

We arrange the files in alphabetical order by name.───我们把汇编文件按名称的字母顺序排列.

All the other ingredients, including water, have to be listed in descending order by weight.───所有其他原料,包括水在内,都需要根据重量依次降序排列。

Wholesalers , retails , order by contract, salesmen and other kinds of trade ways.───批发 、 零售和合同订货等多种贸易形式.

He maintained order by sheer force of personality.───他纯凭人格力量维护秩序。

Did you order by phone or by reservation card?───您是用电话还是用预订卡预订的?

Please send me the articles on order by goods.───请将我所订的货物经铁路运来.

Place an order by pushing a button on your remote control.───按一下遥控器上的电钮就可以定货.

It is usual to arrange classical music records in alphabetical order by composer.───经典音乐唱片通常是按作曲者的姓名字母顺序排列.

To order by virtue of superior authority ; decree or enact.───命令以至高的权威身份来下命令;命令或指定(法令 )


It is jerked back into order by the chapters voiced by the caring Anacreonte.

Another mistake, the report cited, was the order by then-Vice Adm.

He sent the order by messenger.

He maintained order by sheer force of personality.

To place your order by telephone, call anytime, including weekends quoting reference no: 41-A-ROB.

A piece of good news for Bill Clinton in Congress was followed, in short order, by the opposite.

Please send me the articles on order by goods.

We must put in an order by tonight.

You can order by phoning our hotline and quoting your credit card number.

  • ordered pairs
  • order a pizza
  • ordered pair
  • order sister
  • order in
  • order pickup
  • order qty
  • order a bowl
  • order sheet
  • ordering customer
  • order a meal
  • order about
  • orderly manner
  • order around
  • order by
  • order checks
  • orderly way
  • ordering flowers
  • ordered home
  • orderly governance
  • order fulfillment




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