一次使用; 单次对焦
one shots───单次对焦;一次使用
money shot───烧钱镜头
long shot───远投,远射;风险大的赌注
money shots───烧钱镜头
stone shoot───石笋
angle shot───斜射
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow.───你只有这一次机遇, 不要错过引爆众人的机会.
One free - throw scores one point, one shot scores two points.───罚中一次中一分, 投中一次记两分.
You only get one shot, do not miss your chance blow.───你只有这一次机会, 不要错过翻身的时机.
He had only one shot at goal.───他只有一次射门得分。
I thought she had a hundred to one shot at the job.───我认为她得到那份工作的概率是一百一.
One free - throw scores one point, and one shot scores two points.───罚中一次得1分, 投中一次得2分.
Tsunami Tanks also need one shot and Akula Subs 3.───海啸坦克也需要1炮就够了,阿库拉需要3炮.
He saved one shot when the ball hit him on the head.───球砸中他的脑袋,从而让他化解了一次射门。
Use of one - shot things will be restricted.───限制一次性物品使用.
He downed the glass in one shot.───他将杯中的酒一饮而尽.
The gun misfired after one shot and jammed.───开过一枪后,枪哑火卡住了。
Look, if you had one shot, one opportunity.───好, 如果你有一次良机, 一次机会.
The gun misfired after one shot and jammed.───了一枪后,枪哑火卡住了。
" Fire one shot from each . It's got to appear like a plain case of shooting.───" 每支枪都要放一枪,让人家一看就认为这是一场决斗.
We only have one shot at this and then it's gone.───我们只有这一次生命然后它就会一去不复返了.
In one shot, standing on a runway in the dark, Chávez points to a building where he was imprisoned during a coup and where some of his men lost their lives.───在一个镜头中,查韦斯站在黑暗中的跑道上,指着一座他在一次政变中被囚禁的建筑,他的一些手下在那里丧生。
They got a draw but only had one shot on goal.───他们收获了平局,不放过也只有一脚射门.
He had only one shot at goal.───他只有一次射门在门框内。
- one amp only
- one after one
- one the others
- one love blue
- one sided synonym
- one the why
- one last love
- one the world
- one more round
- one anther
- one horse has approximately
- one of her
- one to joy
- one story
- one fan
- one s
- one is all
- one fine day
- one too one
- one remix
- one please