

词汇 nautical mile
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nautical miles───n.海里(合1.852公里)

nautical day───航海日

nautical days───航海日



optical mice───光电鼠标

acoustical tile───吸声砖;隔音砖


A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour , approximately 1.85 kilometers ( 1.15 statute miles ) per hour.───节一种速度单位, 每小时1海里, 大约合每小时1.85公里 ( 1.5法定海里 )

Include guarding Zhou go up to explore , go to nautical mile to invite swim.───包括到守宙上去探险, 到海里去邀游.

efficient is the engine, says the Danish chief engineer, that cruising at an average of 17 knots the ship consumes just 3 grams of fuel per tonne per nautical mile-which certainly sounds low.───英国海岸警卫队的发言人说:“他们在10月22日离开了塞舌尔,然后向西南航行150海里,到达阿米兰特群岛(Amirante Islands),在前往坦桑尼亚的航线上。

A nautical mile is 1,852 meters.───一海里等于1852米.

The knot is a unit of speed equal to one nautical mile per hour.───“节”是表示每小时航行1海里的一个速度单位.

A British coastguard spokesman said: "They had left the Seychelles on 22 October and were going on a 150 nautical mile passage south-west to the Amirante Islands, en route to Tanzania.───悉尼号小心翼翼地靠到距它一海里的地方,要求Kormoran出示秘密信号,以证明它是朋友。

Several hours ago, Team Finland was only a nautical mile ahead of us.───几个小时之前, 芬兰仅仅领先我们1海里.


A unit of speed, one nautical mile per hour , approximately 1.85 kilometers ( 1.15 statute miles ) per hour.

Under the terms of the agreement Trinidad and Tobago's maritime boundary was to be increased to 350 nautical miles.

The Tomahawk had a range of 500 nautical miles.

One minute of latitude at the Equator was defined as a nautical mile.

Usually everybody tours in the man - nautical mile, today shakes hand one by one well.

Each tube can hold a Trident missile with up to eight nuclear warheads that can be flung 4, 000 nautical miles.

A nautical mile is 1,852 meters.

Several hours ago, Team Finland was only a nautical mile ahead of us.

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