

词汇 backed up
释义 backed up
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bucked up───使振作;打起精神;加快

jacked up───提高;顶起,用千斤顶托起

packed up───整理;把…打包

racked up───击倒,获胜;累计

backed out───退出;收回;食言,违约

blocked up───过厚

;icked up───用砖堵塞,用砖围砌

buckled up───系好安全带;把…扣紧

cracked up───vt.撞坏;衰退;赞扬;突然大笑起来;精神崩溃;吹捧


The rebels backed up their demands with threats.───反叛者以恐吓手段要挟。

I backed up carefully until I felt the wall against my back.───我小心翼翼地后退了几步,直到感觉到后背贴上了墙。

These front-line defences are backed up by armoured units in reserve.───前线防御有后备装甲部队的支援。

The database will be zipped and backed up twice a week and protected against data loss due to any accidental computer problems.───数据库一周压缩备份两次,以防电脑故障造成数据丢失。

Like I said, you don't need a book to understand these few basic things, all of which are backed up by psychological research studies.───正如我所说的,你不必去读一本书来明白这些基本的道理,这些都是经过心理学研究验证了的。

I backed up and went the other direction, to be honest with you.───诚实地说我换方向退后了。

The remark was allegedly backed up with a kick to the Tory leader's head, which explains the facial blemish he took into the campaign.───他还用行动来表示不满,踢了下卡梅伦的头。难怪投入竞选活动的卡梅伦脸上带花。

Twisting and slashing, he fought his way through the pack and backed up under the low branches of a hedge.───它横冲直撞地从狗群中杀出一条路来,退到树篱的低矮的枝杈下。

But analysts say that can't be all that's going on, and at least one expert says the paid-click trend is backed up by other sources.───然而分析师们认为那不可能是全部的原因,至少有一个专家指出付费点击(增速减缓)的趋势得到其他数据来源的支持。


The data is stored on a hard disk and backed up on a floppy disk.

  • backed up with
  • backed chicken
  • backed by nature
  • backed beans




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