

词汇 mountain range
释义 mountain range
mountain range发音

山脉; 山峦; 岭


mountain ranges───山脉

mountain hare───山兔

mountain man───山(地)人;山区居民

mountain pine───中欧山松;[林]山松

mountain laurel───n.山月桂;美国山桂

mountain passes───隘口,山口

mountain rescue───山间救护

mountain cranberry───山蔓越莓

mountain ash───花楸


A mountain range of northern Greece near the Aegean coast.───奥林匹斯山希腊北部靠近爱琴海海岸的一列山.

One of the longest mountain ranges of the world rises the floor of the Atlantic. This mountain range runs north and south down the middle of the ocean.───世界上最长的山脉之一从大西洋海底隆起,这条山脉沿海底中部向南北延伸,几座山峰露出海面,形成岛屿。

Due south, directly over the Spin mountain range in front of me, is the crooked line of the Pakistan border, drawn by a British diplomat in 1893.───正南方,也就是我面前旋转山脉的正上方,是一位英国外交官在1893年勾勒出的巴基斯坦弯曲的边界线。

This mountain range has many high peaks and deep canyons.───这条山脉有许多高峰和深谷.

This mountain range have many high peak and deep canyon.───这条山脉有许多高峰和峡谷.

The Azores are tops of peaks in the mid - Atlantic mountain range.───亚速尔群岛是大西洋中部山脉的峰尖.

The plains lay just beyond the mountain range.───平原环绕着山区.

The Azores are the tops of peaks in the mid - Atlantic mountain range.───亚速尔群岛就是中部大西洋山脉的几座山峰的尖端.

The Grand Tetons are a mountain range of unspeakable grandeur.───大特顿是一条无法形容的壮丽山脉.

The lake is situated at the eastern extremity of the mountain range.───湖位于山脉最东端。

A mountain range shown by this method can look like a hairy caterpillar.───采用这种方法表示的山脉看上去象一条毛虫.

As long as you capture one mountain range , another one looms just ahead.───大问题刚刚勉强得到控制, 新的问题又出现了.

The mountain range it towers over is the Southern Alps.───库克山下绵延的山脉就是南阿尔卑斯山.

The great Wutai mountain range rose between Shansi and Hopei.───巍峨的五台山脉高耸于山西河北之间.

Armenia is a land - locked country located in Eurasia's Southern Caucasus mountain range.───亚美尼亚是位于欧亚大陆南高加索山脉的内陆国.

The Mid - Atlantic Ridge project collected 80000 specimens from this undersea mountain range.───中大西洋山脊名目收集了这个海底山脊区域的个样本.

These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas.───这些河流源自喜马拉雅山脉.


The lake is situated at the eastern extremity of the mountain range.

  • mountain bike
  • mountain climbers
  • mountain ranges
  • mountain climber
  • mountainside medicine
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