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词汇 motioned with
释义 motioned with
motioned with发音



got over with───做完了事

reasoned with───规劝;与…评理

reckoned with───处理;对付;和…算帐;预料到

toyed with───玩弄;不很认真地考虑

be done with───完成;与…了结关系

chimed with───与……相一致

closed with───vt.靠近;接受;答应;以…结束


peter motioned with his hand for them to be quiet and described how the Lord had brought him out of prison.───彼得摆手,不要他们作声,就告诉他们主怎样领他出监。

She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer.───她摇了摇手,指着长柄烛花剪。

Tim jumped up and down, the rolled cuffs of his blue jeans sagging around his sneakers. He motioned with.───蒂姆跳来跳去,蓝衬衫卷起的袖口一直拖到球鞋边。他用那瘦弱的胳膊向洛尼示意,眼镜在午后的太阳下闪烁,“快点,洛。”

Leonus again motioned with his left hand, reversing the image to the point requested by Themesz.───莱昂纳斯重新挥动他的左手,将影像倒转回斯么思指定的地方。

He motioned with his head that I should leave him.───他摇头示意我应该离开他。

He motioned with his thin arm, his glasses flashing in the mid-afternoon sun.───他挥动着瘦弱的手臂,眼镜在下午3点左右的阳光下一闪一闪。

Henry motioned with his hand for Stephen to come closer.───亨利动了动手,示意斯蒂芬靠近一些。

He motioned with an apologetic gesture toward the room he had left.───他向自己刚出来的房间作了表示遗憾的手势。

The old man motioned with his finger.───老人把手指一晃。


He motioned with an apologetic gesture toward the room he had left.

She motioned with one hand, pointed to the long-handled candle snuffer which had been in the room since before the candelabra had been electrified.

Taking the weeping Carla out of the kitchen Sarah motioned with her head for Maura to follow her, which she did gratefully.

  • motioned with
  • motioned for




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