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词汇 mother lode
释义 mother lode
mother lode发音




mother lodes───[地质]母脉;主矿脉

mother love───母爱(歌曲名)

mother loves───母爱



motor lodge───汽车旅馆

mother tongue───母语;本国语言

Mother Goose───鹅妈妈(传说中的英国童谣集作者)

mother image───母亲形象


Her own experiences have provided her with a mother lode of material for her songs.───她自身的经历为她的歌曲提供了取之不尽的素材。

This was the mother lode.───这是主矿脉。

Where you have water ice, you have a potential mother lode for lunar prospecting of hydrogen.───水冰的地方都存在着一个月球氢勘探的矿脉。

Its narrow - mindedness, complacency and conformism are mother lode of material for sitcom writers and novelists.───他们目光短浅 、 自命不凡 、因循守旧的形象,总是为喜剧作家和小说家们提供着无穷无尽的笑料.


Loggers discovered the region's mother lode of timber in the 1960s and began cutting, especially old-growth pine.

"You're moving the largest mother lode imaginable " said former astronaut Rusty Schweickart cofounder of the B612 Foundation an organization dedicated to protecting Earth from asteroid strikes.

It was the mother lode of the remaining kakapo population, and it provided conservationists with another opportunity to rehabilitate the species.

The two exceptions are China, the mother lode of Sinic culture, and Vietnam, one of China's oldest disciples, which have yet to join the developed world.

"Here's the mother lode, " he said. Clearing the sand delicately with his fingers, he laid bare a slender baton of bone, barely eight inches long.

Her own experiences have provided her with a mother lode of material for her songs.

The region is a mother lode of potential support for his candidacy.

The Sharper Image catalog is a mother lode of men's gadgets and toys.

Every year, for example, a mother lode of nitrogen drains into the Mississippi River, mostly from agricultural lands,[] and pours into the Gulf of Mexico.

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  • mother talk
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  • mother dog
  • mother superior
  • motherly statue
  • mother earth
  • mother is
  • motherofpearl preciousness
  • mother mary
  • mother load
  • mother wit




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