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词汇 medium term
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medium terms───(未来数星期或数月的)中期


medium dry───中等干燥

medium rare───三分熟

medium well───七八分熟

medium drier───中干燥剂

medium dryer───中型烘干机

medium rarer───中等稀有

medium bombers───中型轰炸机


The medium-term economic prospects remained poor.───中期经济前景仍然黯淡。

However in the medium term it may be unsustainable.───但是在中期这个模式可能不可维持。

But and medium term big machine have, small opportunity existence.───但中短期大机会不会有, 小机会存在.

In the medium term that should not be too difficult.───这在中期是不难实现的.

Opinions on medium - term FDI prospects are equally optimistic.───对外国直接投资的 中期 展望的观点同样乐观.

This preponderance of military spending all ten years of Obama's medium - term scenario.───这种军费开支的权重优势贯穿奥巴马的中期十年.

It does not constitute any valuable information for the medium - term trend.───对 中期 趋势而言,昨天的走势并不能提供任何有价值的信息.

The short and medium term trends sideways and term trend remains bearish.───短中期趋势为横向,而长期趋势为熊市.

ABC Bank announced that it will issue $ 700 million of medium - term notes.───ABC银行宣布将发行七亿元 中期 债券.

In the medium term it will have an impact, though.───虽然在中期上仍然会有冲击.

In the medium term, not all effects are negative.───从中期角度来说,并不是所有影响都是消极的。

In practice, however, owning high - yield currencies a profitable medium - term strategy.───不过在实践上, 持有高收益货币成为有利可图的 中期 策略.

Natural gas is expected oversupply in medium term.───天然气预计在中期内供过于求.

Without the option of devaluation, their medium - term outlook looks less than rosy.───无法选择货币贬值, 她们的 中期 前景看起来毫不光明.

It will take time to get it back there, but we will do that in the medium term.───它需要时间才能恢复,但我们将在中期做到这一点。

From the time limit, these bonds with medium - term oriented.───从期限看, 这些债券以 中期 为主.

Coal at the bottom of the medium - term to build a finished plate.───煤炭板块 中期 底部构筑完毕.

In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook.───从中期来看,英国汽车行业前景将会更好。


For the medium term, telecommunications is the key.

In the medium term, UBM said many of the markets its print businesses serve support a small number of print titles, which will likely be "complementary components" of an integrated product portfolio.

In the medium term the UK car industry has a brighter outlook.

The company's prospects look good in the medium term.

Certificate of Deposit A short to medium term investment held in a bank for a specifiedtime.

In the medium term prove to be more cost-effective.

Natural gas is expected oversupply in medium term.

In the medium term, it is crucial to re-establish and improve the health system in the areas most affected by the conflict, including ensuring enough qualified staff.

With demand for short and medium term paper picking up, most issues registered gains of up to £3/4.

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