loyalty card───优惠卡;购物卡
health cards───健康卡
loyalty bonus───忠诚奖金
casualty wards───临时病室
Equity cards───股票卡
altar cards───圣坛画片
call cards───约见通知卡
Casinos like the WYNN Resorts (WYNN) are increasingly using "loyalty CARDS" to monitor the behavior of their patrons.───像永利度假村(WYNN)这样的赌场越来越多地使用“忠诚卡”,以监测其顾客的行为。
Loyalty CARDS do not make customers loyal, but retailers are devoted to them.───忠诚卡”不会让消费者更忠诚,但是零售商却很热衷。
data from loyalty CARDS, some supermarket rags know much more about their customers than do rival magazines.───一些超级市场刊物可以通过忠诚卡的数据与其对手的杂志相比更能了解消费者。
Boots said it has contacted customers who use loyalty cards and put notices up in branches.───博资表示他们已经联络了使用信用卡的消费者并在其分支机构发布了公告。
Casinos like the Wynn Resorts ( WYNN ) are increasingly using "loyalty cards" to monitor the behavior of their patrons.───像永利度假村(WYNN)这样的赌场越来越多地使用“忠诚卡”,以监测其顾客的行为。
Loyalty cards at Keio award points not according to what you buy, but according to how often you visit.───在京王会员卡点数不是依据你购买了什么,而是根据你购物的频繁程度。
Thanks to data from loyalty cards, some supermarket rags know much more about their customers than do rival magazines.───一些超级市场刊物可以通过忠诚卡的数据与其对手的杂志相比更能了解消费者。
These loyalty cards allow shoppers to get extra discounts on items without having to clip coupons.───这些会员卡可以让购物者再获得打折且不必剪优惠券。
Some grocery chains, such as Kroger and Wegmans, will call customers who use their loyalty cards.───一些杂货连锁店,如克罗格(Kroger)和韦格曼斯(Wegmans),会电话通知持有会员卡的顾客。
Currently, only American Eagle Outfitters allows loyalty cards and gift cards with Google Wallet in some of its New York stores.
Professor Nigel Gilbert, chairman of the report group, said: "In most cases, supermarket loyalty cards will have your name on."
- loyalty family
- loyalty synonym
- loyalty quotes
- loyalty before royalty