l may be the发音
May beetle───n.金龟子
lay before───提交
lay brother───修道院做杂役的僧侣;凡人修士;庶务修士(修会中从事庶务工作的修士)
to lay before───躺在前面
May beetles───n.金龟子
lay bare───揭发,暴露;公开
lay behind───为某事之理由,是……的原因
It indicates that staphylococcus aureus L-forms may be one of the important carcinogen.───提示金葡菌l型感染可能也是宫颈癌的致癌重要因素之一。
Please rush your L/C lest the shipment may not be delayed.───是“请速开证以免耽搁装运”。
Mazz. This suggested that Ricinus communis L. and Jatropha curcas L. may be the best potential wild energy plants because of their high oil content and good resistance.
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- lockup raw extended stay
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- lupus symptoms
- little summer
- life is what you make it
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