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词汇 limited liability
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unlimited liability───[会计]无限责任

limited liabilities───有限责任

admit liability───承认责任

fixed liability───固定负债;长期负债

unlimited liabilities───[会计]无限责任

criminal liability───[法]刑事责任

accrued liability───[会计]应计负债;流动负债

limited capacity───n.有限容量;有限能力

mixed ability───混合能力


Big commercial banks were among the most important products of the limited liability revolution.───大型商业银行是有限责任革命最重要的产物.

Business companies are usually incorporated with limited liability, with open-ended investment companies issuing redeemable shares.───商业公司通常是发行可赎回的股票开放式投资有限责任公司。

Same advantages as a regular limited liability company.───作为一个经常性的有限责任公司相同的优势.

Husband and wife fails to realize impartial justice in the limited liability company stock right division.───夫妻财产在有限责任公司的股权的分割未能实现公平正义.

Parasol International Life Sciences Products Advisory is a privately owned, client focused, Limited Liability Company.───阳伞国际生命科学产品咨询是一家私人拥有的, 客户集中, 有限责任公司.

Article 16 Wholesalers of gasoline and diesel oil must be limited liability corporations.───第16条经营汽、柴油批发业业务者,以股份有限公司为限.

Most of Sandler's partners enjoy limited liability, for instance.───例如桑德勒的大部分合作者们都享有有限的责任。

Members of a company have limited liability.───公司的成员具有有限责任.

Article 8 An oil importer must be a limited liability corporation.───第8条石油输入业之组织,以股份有限公司为限.

If you run your own business, you should consider a limited liability business entity.───如果你运营着你自己的公司, 你应该考虑一个有限责任的商务体制.

Chapter two compares and contrasts the key countries intervention in the governance of Limited Liability Company.───本文第二部分是对其他国家干预有限责任公司治理的比较分析.

A partnership may have unlimited liability as well as limited liability.───合营可以是无限责任也可以是有限责任.

An equity joint venture shall take the form of a limited liability company.───合营企业的形式为有限责任公司.

Is a professional elevator design, manufacture, installation, alteration and maintenance of a limited liability company.───是一家专业从事电梯设计 、 制造 、 安装 、 改造及维修保养的有限责任公司.

Joint Venture shall take the form of a limited liability company.───甲乙双方以各自认缴的出资额对合营公司的债务承担责任.

Sichuan Caifu Shoes Limited Liability Corporation is established in 1997 at Chengdu River and Dragon Harbor.───四川财赋鞋材有限责任公司成立于1997年,坐落于成都双流蛟龙工业港.

Foreign limited liability company and Limited are all the assets of the company responsible.───有限责任公司和股份有限公司对外都是以公司的全部资产承担责任.

General partners may have unlimited liability. Limited partners enjoy limited liability.───一般合伙人负无限责任; 有限合伙人负有限责任.

A limited liability partnership is a relatively new form of business organization.───有限责任合伙是一种相对较新的企业组织形式.

The original nature of collective enterprises are now through the system and a limited liability company.───原来是集体企业性质,现在通过改制,成为有限责任公司.

Translated Description: limited liability company is the Chinese Environmental Protection Industry Association Board Bag Filter Units.───吴江市 桃源 工业用布有限责任公司系中国环境保护产业协会袋式除尘委员会成员单位.

The company shall take the form a limited liability company.───公司形式为有限责任公司.

The growth of the limited liability company and municipal business had important consequences.───有限责任公司及市政企业的发展导致了重大后果.

Partnerships can now offer limited liability and issue tradable shares.───合伙制现在可以具备有限责任并且发行可交易的股票。

The JV Company shall be a limited liability company.───合营公司组织形式为有限责任公司.


As Turbosoft were not a limited liability company, the proprietors are personally liable for the losses and could be made bankrupt.

The limited liability and perpetual life characteristics of the corporation make this form of organization almost mandatory for large firms.

Only limited partners may claim limited liability.

V., a nonprofit limited liability company, was formed to develop and operate the network.

Limited liability allows firms to shed their obligations towards their creditors.

In 1887 Davies set up a limited liability company, the Ocean Coal Company, with a nominal capital of £536,000.

Because of the limited liability of shareholders, creditors had no redress.

One, the Abbey National, has already switched to limited liability status as a full bank.

Unsurprisingly, dinner-table talk often turns to incorporation and limited liability.

  • limited topic
  • limited to
  • limitedly synonym
  • limited awd




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