轻腌的; 淡腌的
lightly cooked───轻熟的
lightly golden───浅金色
lightly browned───浅棕色
lightly floured───撒少量面粉
lightly greased───轻涂润滑脂
light ale───n.淡啤酒,低度啤酒
light ales───n.淡啤酒,低度啤酒
light valve───[电子]光阀
light valves───[电子]光阀
The noodles are cooked in plenty of lightly salted boiling water.───面条在略微加盐的沸水中煮.
Roe from mullet, tuna or other fish, lightly salted, pressed and dried.───鱼卵来自乌鱼,鲔鱼或其他的鱼的鱼白,轻微的盐腌,压缩与干燥的。
And if you want to be truly virtuous, go for the real thing: carrot sticks, jicama slices, lightly salted radishes, or roasted sweet peppers chilled in the refrigerator.───如果你真的想变得有道德一些,就选择原始的食物,胡萝卜条、沙葛片、腌萝卜或者在冰箱冷冻过烤甜青(辣)椒等。
sliced apples, pears and other fruits susceptible to Browning in lightly salted water to preserve their fresh look.───切成片的苹果、梨或其它水果泡在淡盐水里可保持其新鲜色。
Simmer the macaroni in lightly salted water.
Cover with lightly salted water to cover lentils by 1 inch.
Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta and cook for8 to10 minutes or until al dente ; drain and rinse with cold water.
- lightly row
- lightly lined