

词汇 spilled over
释义 spilled over
spilled over发音




pulled over───把…开到路边;开到路边;靠边停车;靠岸

spill over───溢出;被迫使出来

spills over───溢出;被迫使出来

spilling over───溢出;被迫使出来

boiled over───沸溢;发怒

mulled over───仔细考虑

picked over───vt.挑选;仔细检查……以便选出优品分档挑选


She filled the glass so full that the water spilled over.───她往杯子里倒水倒得太满,都溢出来了。

The kitchen sink had been stopped up and the faucet left running, so water spilled over onto the floor.───那厨房的洗涤槽堵塞了,而水龙头在那里流水,所以水溢满流到了地板上。

Her emotions suddenly spilled over.───她突然就控制不住自己的感情了。

Now the tears in her eyes spilled over -- tears, I knew, not only for a lost doll and a lost sister, but for a lost time.───此时,她眼中的泪水夺眶而出——我知道,那不仅是为了失去的玩具娃娃和小妹妹,而且也是为了失去的时光而流的眼泪。

This caused a cascade of downward mobility, as the children of the rich spilled over into lower social stations.───这导致了向下流动性的喷涌,富人的孩子们渗透到了低一些的社会阶层。

This has obviously spilled over to the realm of branding where many icons serve both as application icon and branding for that entity.───这显然蔓延到许多需要用图标作为应用系统指示和品牌标识的领域。

All he could do was sniff hungrily at the delicious smell and lick the occasional drop that spilled over the side.───他只能饿着肚子闻闻诱人的味道,舔舔偶尔溢出来的几滴。

Those nerves spilled over into a recent debate hosted by the Center for the Study of Islam and Democracy in Washington.───这些神经蔓延到最近的争论由该中心举办的伊斯兰教与民主在华盛顿的研究。

New towns will have to be built to house the population of those boroughs which have spilled over.───必须建设新的城镇以安置那些城市容纳不下的居民。


The enthusiasm of the protest spilled over into violence.

Her emotions suddenly spilled over.

The conflict in Rwanda eventually spilled over into Zaire.

Just occasionally the tensions spilled over, such as when she berated Moira publicly about the way she was feeding her first child.

And the emotion surrounding this year's event spilled over.

When they spilled over, she did not wipe them from her face.

Such conflicts spilled over into the immediate postwar phase.

The fixation with aprons spilled over into her business life too as she insisted that her shops should always stock aprons.

Its strength spilled over into dollar-yen trading, traders said.

  • spilled out
  • spilled gas
  • spilled over




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