

词汇 leave it at that
释义 leave it at that
leave it at that发音


<非正>行了, 够了, 到此为止; 拉倒; 算了


have it away───把它拿走

leave a gap───留下空隙

leave the nest───离家;离巢

face the fact that───面对这样的事实

leave sth too late───留某物太晚

leave sth until last───留到最后

call it a day───收工;暂停止

except that───n.只可惜;除了…之外

give it a whirl───试一下


But Obama was not content leave it at that.───但是奥巴马并不满意就此打住.

Let's leave it at that; we've worked hard enough today.───我们就到这儿吧, 今天也够辛苦的了.

It's no point to go on arguing. Let's just leave it at that.───没道理再争论下去了, 咱们就到此为止吧.

We'll have to leave it at that.───也只好这样了.

Leave it at that.───暂时就这样吧。

I think we can just leave it at that.───我认为我们可以把它们留在那里.

The work is near genius, let's leave it at that.───这作品简直像是天才的杰作, 我们就 这么 着吧.

We'll leave it at that. You will pay half the expenses.───我们就这样吧, 你付一半的费用.

We'll have to leave it at that.───只好这样了。

Leave it at that . God, she's lovely, though, and there's something about her.───就让它这样吧, 不过, 天哪, 她真迷人.

There's nothing we can do; we must leave it at that.───我们无能为力, 我们必须听其自然.

I am afraid we shall have to leave it at that.───恐怕我们只好谈到此为止了.

If you're tired, you leave it at that until tomorrow.───如果你感到累了, 我们可以到此为止,明天再继续.

We'll leave it at that. You will pay all the expenses.───我们就这样吧. 你要付所有的费用.

Rachel: Y'know what? I think we can just leave it at that.───瑞秋: 你们知道 吗 ?我想不用再剪了吧.

We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that.───咱们不可能意见一致,所以这事就这样吧。

You know what? I think we can leave it at that.───你们知道 吗 ?我认为我们可以把它们留在那里.


Let's leave it at that for today.

Can't we leave it at that?

Let's leave it at that for today and meet again tomorrow.

Better leave it at that, I always said.

We're not moving, so let's leave it at that.

We'll leave it at that. You will pay half the expenses.

I say and leave it at that.

Let's leave it at that; we've worked hard enough today.

We'll never agree, so let's just leave it at that.

  • leave the field blank
  • leave again
  • leave it behind
  • leave ouintwomistudents
  • leave aside
  • leavened with
  • leave by
  • leavened cake
  • leave home
  • leaves eyes
  • leaved means
  • leave your mark on life
  • leave without
  • leave about
  • leave out of
  • leaves off
  • leave game
  • leaves sadly
  • leaven bread
  • leave in
  • leave of




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